
Tommaso Ciampa On If He Wants A Full-Time WWE Main Roster Run

Could Ciampa head to Raw or SmackDown full time?

Outside of a few matches on Raw and SmackDown in 2019, Tommaso Ciampa has spent his WWE career in NXT. 

The Blackheart hasn't previously been interested in heading to the main roster full time, though, and he said in late 2019 that he would retire if WWE moved him to Raw or SmackDown because of the travel schedule at the time.

The main roster travel schedule won't be as demanding when WWE goes back on the road in late July, though, and Mike Johnson of PWInsider asked Ciampa if a run on Raw or SmackDown was a goal of his. 

"Yeah. It's a tough one for me to answer, because I don't know that... That's not how I work, as far as goals go. When I was a kid, it was different. When I was a kid, I wanted like, 'Oh, I want to be on WrestleMania and stuff.' For sure, those were the goals," Ciampa said. 

"Because I was signed at 20, 21, and released, and then did a bunch of independents, and toured around the world, and just found myself and grew as a performer. It's just all these different experiences I had, and it just became more about the journey than anything, and it became more about just becoming better, a better performer.  

"So when Johnny and I came to NXT and our first thing was doing the Dusty Classic in 2016 or something, even then, I mean, it was just, for me, it was like, 'Oh, cool, here's an opportunity to get in the ring with new different people, fresh people, get in front of different audiences and grow as a performer.' And obviously, it keeps snowballing, but... The Raw brand is fantastic. Great roster, lots of talented men and women. Same thing with SmackDown, same thing with NXT," he continued.

"I'd love to get in there with everybody. It's just more about me doing things that, I don't know, help my own legacy at the end of it, that helped me, as a performer, grow and get better and stuff. There's no door that's closed, but at the same time, there's no weird carrot that's dangling in front of me, where I'm like, 'Oh, that's what I got to do.' It's just going with the flow of it all and making the most of every opportunity that's presented to me, essentially."

Ciampa remains an integral piece of NXT and he will challenge for the NXT Tag Team Championship with Timothy Thatcher at The Great American Bash on July 6.

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons