Tony Khan: AEW Avoids Becoming WWE By Only Signing The Best People

TK is happy with AEW’s identity

AEW has prided itself on the fact that is seen as an ‘alternative’ to WWE, but with many prominent former stars from WWE on its books, some wrestling fans have used this a stick to beat AEW with.

However, AEW President Tony Khan doesn’t see it that way.

In a discussion about the numerous high profile signings AEW have made this year, Tony Khan said the following to The Wrap:

“You avoid [becoming WWE] by only signing the best people. I believe we have the best roster in all of wrestling right now,” Khan said. “I really do believe that.”

Khan has in the past commented on WWE no longer scouting indie talent for NXT, saying "There are people that look great that will never be good at this. And you can pick a hundred great looking people and you might find zero that actually are great at what wrestlers really do.”

Khan has also said it blew his mind that WWE NXT used to pay close attention to AEW: Dynamite during the Wednesday Night Wars, and numerous AEW stars have made subtle, and not so subtle digs at WWE in the past - moves that have divided fan opinion.

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.