
Tony Khan: I Have A Lot Of Trust In My AEW Performers

Tony Khan is finding the balance

Tony Khan has opened up on the trust he has in his AEW wrestlers, saying he leaves their promos and presentation up to them to decide. 

Khan is known for not scripting promos for his talent but will take charge of storyline direction and match-ups. The rest, he says, is up to the locker room to figure out.

Speaking on the Wrestling Perspective Podcast, Khan said: "I think we’ve found a really good balance. I have a lot of trust in them and they have a lot of trust in me.

"What it entails is, I put together formats, matches, and stories and where their ideas are going to go, stories are going to go, who’s going to wrestle who, and one really important element of this is how much time they are going to get. Also, I have to be very concerned about commercial breaks and where they go.

"In terms of who goes when, who gets to wrestle who, and when it happens, there’s a lot to that. But in terms of what you’re going to wear, what your presentation is going to be, what you’re going to say exactly [that’s on talent].

"Sure, you need to say I’m wrestling person x at this venue next week on this show this night on TNT or I’m wrestling person ABC at Full Gear on Saturday on pay per view. These are important things and as long as you get those things across and do it in a way that makes sense, I’m okay not handing somebody a paper script and telling them ‘You’re going to say this, this and this in this order and every word of it you can’t change a word of it.’

"That doesn’t make any sense to me and it would come across very fake which is why I think the promos in AEW are very authentic and it feels very real."

H/T Wrestling Inc.

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