
Triple H Comments On WWE NXT Possibly Moving To Another Night

The black and gold brand drew higher ratings during a brief run unopposed...

In late August and early September, the Wednesday Night Wars were briefly paused as both NXT and Dynamite were preempted by sports coverage on the USA Network and TNT. 

This led to an increase in viewership for both shows, and ratings for NXT improved by as much as 25 percent. 

Past reports noted WWE had discussed moving NXT to another night over the summer and that the USA Network was open to switching nights as they aren't as committed to going head to head with AEW as WWE is. Any change is unlikely at the moment, though, as Vince McMahon reportedly "shut down" talks of a move in July. 

During the NXT TakeOver: 31 media call, Triple H was asked if WWE had considered moving the black and gold brand to another night, but The Game admitted he's happy on Wednesdays. 

Triple H said: "I'm happy with where we are. There's conversations around all of our product at all times. Best place for it to sit, best place for it to work, all of that. The funny thing, I don't hear anybody else asking about people moving on Wednesdays since we were always on Wednesdays… 

"It comes down to a question of where the show best sits, not only for us but for our partners and wherever they want to go to. We're open to doing the best business we can but it's not just as simple a decision as it's our decision and we just put it where we want to put it. Those decisions are made by partners and everything else along the way."

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons