
Vince McMahon Submits 'Statement Of Undisputed Material Facts' Over Janel Grant Lawsuit

Another new filing from Vince McMahon over Janel Grant lawsuit

In a second memorandum filing in as many days, Vince McMahon's legal team have filed a "Statement of Undisputed Material Facts" with the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut in support of their motion to compel arbitration over the lawsuit filed against McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and WWE by Janel Grant. 

The "Statement of Undisputed Material Facts" filed by McMahon's legal team states that he and Janel Grant had a three-year relationship which ended around January 2022. When the relationship ended, they signed an NDA where it was agreed McMahon would pay Grant $3 million, with $1 million due within 10 days of the NDA being signed and the remaining $2 million to be paid in $500,000 instalments. The first payment of $1 million was made within 10 days. 

The statement claims an amendment to the NDA's arbitration provision was made by Janel Grant's attorney before the NDA was signed, which stated: 

"In the event of any dispute arising under or out of this Agreement, its construction, interpretation, application, performance or breach, the parties agree to first attempt to resolve such disputes informally and prior to taking any formal legal action to resolve such disputes. In the event any such dispute cannot be resolved informally, all parties hereto agree that the sole and exclusive legal method to resolve any and all disputes and/or controversies is to commence binding arbitration under the Federal Arbitration Act pursuant to the procedures of the American Arbitration Association and to do so by sealed proceedings which preserve the confidential and private nature of this Agreement. The parties agree to discuss the venue for any such arbitration proceeding if and when such a dispute arises which cannot be informally resolved; but in the event the parties cannot agree on a venue then the exclusive venue for any arbitration proceeding shall be in Stamford, Connecticut. The prevailing party, as determined by the arbitration tribunal, shall be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party all of its attorney’s fees and costs."

The NDA also included a severability provision, which noted: 

"In the event that any provision of this Agreement is held to be void or unenforceable by an arbitration panel or court reviewing an arbitration decision, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless be binding provided, however, if any of the confidentiality obligations of this Agreement are ever contended to be unenforceable by Grant, or are found to be unenforceable by any tribunal, Grant agrees that she shall return all monies paid pursuant to this Agreement to McMahon."

Janel Grant accused Vince McMahon of sex trafficking, sexual assault, and physical and emotional abuse in a lawsuit filed in January 2024 that also named WWE and John Laurinaitis as defendants. All three of the defendants have filed motions to compel arbitration, including John Laurinaitis who initially claimed through his lawyer that he was a victim of Vince McMahon's. 

Federal authorities continue to investigate Vince McMahon over sexual assault allegations dating back to the 1980s. 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons