John Laurinaitis

WWE Joins Vince McMahon To Oppose Janel Grant's Amended Lawsuit
Latest developments in Janel Grant's lawsuit against WWE and Vince McMahon

Brock Lesnar Named & New Details Added In Janel Grant's Amended Lawsuit Against Vince McMahon, WWE, John Laurinaitis
Janel Grant files amended lawsuit against Vince McMahon, WWE & John Laurinaitis

Janel Grant's Sex Trafficking Lawsuit Against Vince McMahon, WWE, & John Laurinaitis Transferred To New Judge
Judge changed for Janel Grant's lawsuit

Janel Grant To Amend Sex Trafficking Lawsuit Against Vince McMahon, WWE, & John Laurinaitis
Changes coming to Janel Grant's lawsuit against WWE, Vince McMahon, & John Laurinaitis

WWE & Vince McMahon File New Motions To Move Janel Grant Lawsuit To Arbitration
New filings by WWE & Vince McMahon in Janel Grant case

Janel Grant's Lawsuit Against Vince McMahon, WWE & John Laurinaitis Resumes After Stay Expires
Sex trafficking lawsuit against Vince McMahon, WWE & John Laurinaitis no longer paused

Janel Grant's Representatives Announce WWE Have Yet To Waive NDAs
NDAs yet to be waived by WWE

New Details On Kathy Colace Divorcing John Laurinaitis Revealed
When Kathy Colace filed to divorce John Laurinaitis revealed

John Laurinaitis Divorced From Kathy Colace
Kathy Colace now divorced from John Laurinaitis

Janel Grant Files Opposition To Dr. Carlon Colker's Motion To Dismiss Bill Of Discovery Petition
New filing in Janel Grant's quest to gain medical records from Dr. Carlon Colker

Janel Grant Asks For NDAs To Be Waived In Sex Trafficking Lawsuit Against Vince McMahon, WWE & John Laurinaitis
Janel Grant asking for NDAs applicable to other former employees to be waived

Batista Reveals John Laurinaitis Wanted To Fire Him From WWE
Big Dave almost didn't make it out of OVW.

Report: Some WWE Talents Not Repulsed By Allegations Against Vince McMahon
Some WWE talents are not repulsed by Janel Grant's allegations against Vince McMahon

Judge Denies Vince McMahon's Motion To Temporarily Resume Janel Grant Lawsuit
Vince McMahon's motion blocked by Judge

WWE Executive Says The Company Has Been 'Compliant All The Way Along' With Vince McMahon Lawsuit
WWE executive comments on lawsuit filed by Janel Grant