
"What A Rib!" - Ric Flair Reflects On WWE Tag Team Title Win With Roddy Piper

Flair & Piper won the Titles in 2006

Ric Flair has opened up on his brief run as WWE Tag Team Champion with 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper in 2006. 

Flair and Piper defeated The Spirit Squad to win the Titles at Cyber Sunday 2006, but would drop the straps to Randy Orton and Edge on Raw just a week later.

Talking during the most recent episode of the Wooooo Nation Uncensored podcast, Flair reflected: "What a rib! Vince just said, 'I'll give you two clowns one more day.' It was fun."

Flair then opened up on how Piper got sick, meaning that WWE had to quickly devise some creative for him and Flair to drop the titles while on tour in Europe

The Nature Boy added: "We flew to Europe...the first day we land, we were going to wrestle...I don't remember against whom...and Roddy got sick in the dressing room. The doctors came, and they wouldn't let Roddy wrestle.

"We did something real quick where we got beat and they sent Roddy back to the hotel and bought him a ticket to go home the next day. They told him not to drink, because he was having intestinal problems, so I went back to the hotel and he had already drank 12 beers and smoked two joints!"

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com