
WWE NXT's Zoey Stark Provides Injury Update

Stark has been out injured since November

Zoey Stark has offered an update on her ongoing injury issues, revealing that she is off crutches and back walking without assistance. 

As previous noted, Stark confirmed she had sustained torn ACL and meniscus coming out of WWE NXT Halloween Havoc, with the promotion running an angle on the November 2 episode to write the former NXT Women's Tag Team Champion off television. 

Stark underwent surgery on the injuries not long after and, five weeks later, has taken to social media to reveal she is now walking without crutches. 

Writing on Twitter, Stark said: "Officially off the crutches and walking on my own! Next step = RUNNING!"

Stark was taken off television via an attack by Toxic Attraction, the team that took the NXT Women's Tag Team Titles from her and Io Shirai. The faction attacked Stark in a backstage segment, which came the week after reports of her injury were first circulated.

Stark noted following her surgery in November that things had gone well, although there is no timescale for her return to WWE NXT.

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com