
WWE SummerSlam 2024 Results

Full WWE SummerSlam 2024 results.

WWE SummerSlam emanated from Cleveland Browns Stadium in Cleveland, Ohio on Saturday, August 3. WWE had their biggest pay-per-view card since WrestleMania 40 with seven matches, with six of them being title matches and a huge grudge match between CM Punk and Drew McIntyre. 

The SummerSlam 2024 card was as follows: 

  • Liv Morgan (c) vs. Rhea Ripley - Women's World Championship 
  • Sami Zayn (c) vs. Bron Breakker - Intercontinental Championship 
  • Logan Paul (c) vs. LA Knight - United States Championship
  • Bayley (c) vs. Nia Jax - WWE Women's Championship
  • CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre
  • Damian Priest (c) vs. Gunther - World Heavyweight Championship
  • SummerSlam attendance announcement
  • Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Solo Sikoa - Bloodline Rules Match for the Undisputed WWE Championship


Liv Morgan (c) def. Rhea Ripley - Women's World Championship 

Following a Jelly Roll performance, the Women's World Title match opened SummerSlam and much of the early action involved Liv Morgan trying to irritate Rhea Ripley by staying away from her. The challenger eventually managed to get ahold of the woman who tried to steal her man and she hit a Riptide into the corner. Morgan blocked a second Riptide, though, and sent Ripley crashing into the turnbuckle, giving Ripley a kayfabe dislocated shoulder.

After a period of Morgan on top, Ripley popped her shoulder back in by ramming it into the announce table. Ripley went for the Riptide soon after but Morgan countered into a DDT. Ripley quickly regained the advantage, though, locking in the Prism Lock until Morgan escaped. The champion then picked up a near fall with a Crucifix Driver before she applied an Armbar on the injured shoulder. Ripley escaped with a Slam after around one minute. 

Liv Morgan later retrieved a steel chair and Ripley went back to ramming her shoulder into things. Ripley then got rid of the chair and connected with a Riptide. With the chair next to Dominik, Ripley picked up the chair and went to use it but Dominik pulled it off her, telling her she can't win the title this way. Ripley bickered with Dominik and Morgan took advantage, shotgun dropkicking Ripley into Dirty Dom. Morgan then followed up with Oblivion and that looked to be it but Ripley kicked out!

Dominik then tossed the chair back into the ring between Ripley and Liv Morgan and distracted the referee. Morgan then capitalised, hitting an Oblivion on the steel chair as Dom distracted the official. A 1-2-3 later and Liv Morgan retained the Women's World Championship.

Mysterio had a cheeky little grin on his face after Morgan's win and then he stuck his tongue down Liv Morgan's throat as they made out in front of an apoplectic Ripley. Love, it's a horrible game. 

Bron Breakker def. Sami Zayn (c) - Intercontinental Championship 

Bron Breakker went for a Spear in the opening moments but crashed and burned. The challenger didn't take long to recover, however, as he soon decked Sami Zayn with a Frankensteiner. Zayn managed to fire back with a Blue Thunder Bomb and an Exploder Suplex in the corner but Bron Breakker annihilated the Intercontinental Champion with a Spear when he went for the Helluva Kick. 

Two rope runs to pick up speed and a second Spear later and Bron Breakker was your new Intercontinental Champion with an emphatic victory. 

LA Knight def. Logan Paul (c) - United States Championship 

LA Knight smashed up a PRIME Hummer on his way to the ring and such was Logan Paul's anger that he attacked LA Knight before the bell. This led to a brawl on the outside before the match got underway, with LA Knight finishing with the upper hand after he nailed the United States Champion with a Neckbreaker on the announce table. 

The match eventually got underway and Logan Paul was dominant in the early going as "F*ck you, Logan" chants filled the stadium in the YouTube sensation's own hometown. Logan Paul used Hulk Hogan moves and mocked LA Knight before the former Eli Drake fired back with a Powerslam to even the odds. A Springboard Elbow Drop from Knight followed for a near fall.

Logan Paul decided to outdo LA Knight with a Springboard Clothesline, sending the former Max Dupri to the floor, and Paul hit an amazing move with a Springboard Moonsault. The fans chanted "You still suck!" as the United States Champion whacked Knight with his KO Punch finisher. That looked to be it but LA Knight kicked out at 2.9

Paul missed on the Frog Splash but saved himself by blocking the BFT. Paul went to the top rope and a very scary Superplex from LA Knight followed that was almost a Brainbuster. Paul raked Knight's eyes soon after and tried to collect the brass knuckles but LA Knight caught him with a Shotgun Dropkick. LA Knight then beat up Logan Paul's entourage which allowed Paul to recover and receive the brass knuckles from Machine Gun Kelly, who was at ringside. 

After LA Knight grabbed Logan Paul, the United States Champion decked him with the weapon and went for the Buckshot Lariat but LA Knight countered into the BFT. Three seconds later and LA Knight was the new United States Champion. 

Nia Jax def. Bayley (c) - WWE Women's Championship 

Nia Jax dominated the opening minutes, during which she rubbed her bottom in Bayley's face with a stinkface. In a callback to NXT TakeOver: London, Bayley locked in a Guillotine Choke. Unlike London, however, Nia Jax powered out and followed up with a Leg Drop for a near fall. 

Nia Jax went for a Leg Drop from the top rope but she crashed and burned as Bayley tried to get the crowd into the match with a Bayley to Belly. The challenger managed to kick out at two, however. Huge Uranage in the corner, though, and Nia Jax was back on top as she set up for her Banzai Drop finisher. 

Jax hit the move but Bayley somehow managed to kick out at 2.9, much to Nia's annoyance. After more back-and-forth action, Bayley managed to Powerbomb Nia Jax which drew "Holy sh*t" chants from the fans inside Cleveland Browns Stadium. A Flying Elbow later and that looked to be it but Nia Jax kicked out at two. 

Tiffany Stratton's music then filled the stadium and she looked close to cashing in but Bayley knocked her off the apron. Nia Jax soon took advantage with a Pop Up Powerbomb and a Powerbomb before she hit a second and third Banzai Drop for the win. 

Tiffany Stratton and Nia Jax then celebrated together like the two good pals they are. 

Drew McIntyre def. CM Punk - Seth Rollins special guest referee

For the first time in 10 years, CM Punk wrestled in a WWE singles match in arguably the most-anticipated match at SummerSlam. 

CM Punk and Drew McIntyre wasted no time, clubbing each other before they beat each other down in the corner. Rollins counted to five on both occasions but didn't end the match in a DQ, instead pulling Punk away before he did the same to McIntyre. The action spilled to the outside and Rollins really couldn't be bothered, spending time tying his shoelaces while Punk bashed McIntyre's head off the steel steps over and over again. 

Rollins then enjoyed dancing to the fans singing his theme as McIntyre swung Punk's head into the announce table. 'Irn Dru' then bounced Punk's head off the metal rail under the ring. Drew proceeded to dominate the next several minutes as the action slowed dramatically. McIntyre hit a Powerbomb but Punk kicked out at one. McIntyre had better luck with a Sit-Out Powerbomb, drawing a two count. 

Drew McIntyre went to use a steel chair but Seth grabbed it from the two-time WWE Champion. Seth then almost hit CM Punk and he failed to count a roll-up from Punk that would have been enough for the 'Second City Saviour' to win. Much of the focus of the match has been on Seth Rollins as opposed to, you know, the actual wrestlers.

McIntyre put on the friendship bracelet he stole from Punk and the 45-year-old fired up and hit three Running Knees and a Clothesline before he connected on a rough Elbow Drop. The Anaconda Vice was then locked in but the bracelet caused Punk to break it and retrieve the bracelet. Punk then crawled and grabbed it after it flew off which allowed McIntyre to connect with the Claymore. That wasn't enough to put CM Punk away, though. 

Punk later went for the Go To Sleep but he didn't execute the move because Seth Rollins had put on the friendship bracelet. This led to a ref bump after McIntyre sent Punk crashing into Rollins. Punk managed to hit the Go To Sleep while Rollins was down and by the time Seth recovered, Drew managed to kick out at two. 

Punk berated Rollins and they got into a shouting match as Rollins told Punk not everything is about the Voice of the Voiceless. Punk took the verbal berating until he hit Rollins with a Go To Sleep. Punk got back his bracelet and McIntyre followed up with a Low Blow and Claymore. Rollins then crawled over and reluctantly counted the 1-2-3. 

After all of that, Drew McIntyre stole the friendship bracelet back anyway. 

Gunther def. Damian Priest (c) - World Heavyweight Championship 

Earlier in the night, Damian Priest put his hands on Finn Balor, pulling him up by his shirt while asking Finn where Dominik Mysterio was following Dom's turn in the opening contest. Priest apologised to Balor following the match with Finn accepting his apology. Balor then told Priest if he wanted him at ringside later, he just needed to let him know 

Both men enjoyed time on top for the opening minutes as the meaty men slapped meat and Gunther's chest began to bleed. Gunther hit a Shotgun Dropkick and Powerbomb but it was only enough for a near fall. The two men slapped each other some more before Damian Priest connected with South of Heaven, but he only picked up a two count. 

Gunther fired back with some hard-hitting lariats but Priest managed to kick out. The World Heavyweight Champion just asked Gunther to bring it so Der Ring General hoofed him in the head. Priest asked for more so Gunther chopped him really hard. Prist stopped asking for more so Gunther slapped him across the chest with a meaty hand. 

With Priest down and out, Finn Balor had made his way to ringside and tried to push on his Judgment Day stablemate. Priest used Balor's support to fight back, briefly going chop for chop until Gunther just slapped the World Heavyweight Champion back down to the mat. Gunther then got sick of Balor's support, kicking Finn in the face.

This just made Priest furious, who pulled his straps down and hit a huge Clothesline on Gunther before a second one as he rallied. The Razor's Edge followed before he hit the South of Heaven. Damian Priest had the match won but Finn Balor put Gunther's leg on the bottom rope as Priest wasn't looking. 

Damian Priest realised what happened and looked to go after Finn Balor but Gunther took advantage, choking out Priest with a Sleeper as Damian just stared at Balor. Priest fought back and almost pinned Gunther but Priest just went straight after Balor again. This allowed Gunther to hit a Powerbomb and lock in the Sleeper again, this time for the submission victory. 

Cody Rhodes (c) def. Solo Sikoa - Bloodline Rules Match for the Undisputed WWE Championship

Main event time and Cody Rhodes, with his dog Pharaoh, reunited with Arn Anderson briefly as he made his way to the ring. Once the action got underway, Solo Sikoa showed he had done his homework as he stopped Cody from dropping down into the punch. Sikoa then gained the upper hand and Cody managed to briefly cut him down with a Cody Cutter until Sikoa fired back and dominated the next several minutes of action. 

While Roman Reigns might not be on TV, his influence was felt as the match continued with a similar structure to all of 'The Big Dog's world title matches carrying Sikoa vs. Reigns. Cody eventually fought back with a Moonsault thing but Sikoa picked up a near fall with a Black Hole Slam. Cody later hit a huge Superplex and about 10 minutes in and neither man had bothered to use a weapon. 

Cody managed to hit a Cross Rhodes but this only led to an attack from Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa. Tonga Loa proved to still be a botch machine as he somehow missed the turnbuckle when driving Cody there. G.O.D then hit Cody with a low Magic Killer but Cody Rhodes managed to kick out. Kevin Owens then ran in to make the save until he was taken down by G.O.D. Randy Orton then ran to the ring, high-fiving people on the way just having a great old time before he dished out some RKOs. 

Orton then hit a Powerslam on Solo before a Swanton from Kevin Owens allowed Rhodes to hit a second Cross Rhodes. Sikoa managed to kick out, though, as Randy and Kevin drove off Tonga Loa and Tama Tonga. This brought the match back to being one-on-one and Cody hit Solo with the steel steps and before Solo took out the Undisputed WWE Champion with a Spear for a near fall. 

Solo went for a hip attack but just flew into the steel steps. Cody hit a third Cross Rhodes and then a fourth one. He couldn't hit a fifth one, though, as Jacob Fatu appeared out of nowhere and laid out Cody with a Phoenix Splash and Moonsault. Cody managed to kick out at 2.95. Jacob kept beating down Cody and he put Rhodes through the announce table with a huge splash. 

Jacob Fatu hurt his knee in the process and Solo Sikoa followed up with a Splash. That looked to be it but Cody managed to kick out at 2.96. The challenger went for the Samoan Spike but Cody collapsed and then fired back with a Superkick and a top rope Cody Cutter. At this point, music filled the arena and Roman Reigns made his way to the ring wearing an 'Original Tribal Chief' shirt. 

Roman Reigns loaded up and laid out Solo Sikoa with a Superman Punch. One big "OOOOAAAHHH" later and he speared Solo Sikoa into next week as Cody Rhodes looked on. The Big Dog then simply walked off and looked back at Cody as Rhodes put away Solo with a fifth Cross Rhodes for the win. 

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WWE SummerSlam 2024 Match Order Revealed

Dominik Mysterio Helps Liv Morgan Retain The Women's World Title At WWE SummerSlam 2024, Sticks Tongue Down Her Throat

Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons