
10 Largest Factions In Pro Wrestling History

Factions with the most members in pro wrestling history

The whole idea behind factions in wrestling is that there is strength in numbers, so it makes sense to fill your stable with as many people as possible… well on paper at least, because sometimes it simply does not work out. 

Whilst some groups have gotten by just fine with only three or four members, others have expanded their reach to include dozens of wrestlers. When assessing the largest factions, we’re looking at all-time members, not just at one given moment, though this will look solely at active wrestlers rather than valets, managers, and more. 

These are the 10 largest factions in pro wrestling history, with representation from a whole host of promotions.

10. The First Family - 29 members

Jimmy hart first family

Before joining WWE, Jimmy Hart was working down in Memphis for the Continental Wrestling Association as one of Jerry “The King” Lawler’s fiercest rivals. The Mouth of the South would send wave after wave of baddies after Lawler to rob him of the CWA Championship, all of whom were united under the name “The First Family of Wrestling”. 

Big names under Hart’s employ during this time included King Kong Bundy, Randy Savage, Kamala, and comedian Andy Kauffman, who actually wrestled matches, so he does count. All these stats and more bring the total number of First Family members up to 29. 

Hart tried the First Family again in WWE and WCW, but they never reached the heights, or the numbers, of his Tennessee days. 

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Written by Cultaholic