
5 WWE Storylines Scrapped Without Resolution

The SmackDown Hacker appears to have joined a maddening list...

After a long period of inactivity, the ongoing angle of the mysterious SmackDown hacker looks to be kaput. Recent news indicates that with purported mastermind Mustafa Ali moved to Raw (reportedly due to distaste with showrunner Bruce Prichard), the angle looks to have completely flatlined. For all of the intrigue WWE had created with the story, to have absolutely zero payoff sucks for anyone that invested even a granule of energy into following it.

But this is hardly new ground for WWE - they've dropped angles with the suddenness of an aneurysm before, though that doesn't make it better. Certainly they're not alone, as WCW and TNA have both abandoned projects before they'd even applied all the glue (which, judging by the quality of some of those works, like Samoa Joe's kidnapping at the hands of ninjas, creative may have been sniffing said glue).

From the WWE end of things, there exists a rather deepened tomb filled with the lost storylines from eras past. Here are some of the ones remembered most.

5. Hade Vansen's Army Of Freaks

Now THIS was random. British vet Vansen appeared in a rather eerie promo vignette in December 2008, in which he foretold his own arrival into the WWE realm, but he wasn't coming alone. We were to learn that Vansen had a group of mutant-like followers coming with him.

And then, nothing. The vignettes were scrapped, never mentioned again, and Vansen was released a month later. Apparently, this was supposed to lead to Vansen facing The Undertaker at WrestleMania 25, but I think we're all satisfied with the match we got instead.

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Justin Henry

Written by Justin Henry

In addition to writing lists and commentaries for Cultaholic, Justin is also a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine, and is co-author of the WWE-related book Titan Screwed: Lost Smiles, Stunners, and Screwjobs.