
Adam Cole: I Learned A Lot Of Lessons From Triple H & Shawn Michaels In WWE NXT

Cole departed WWE NXT in August

Adam Cole has hailed his time working with Triple H and Shawn Michaels in WWE NXT, detailing that he 'learned a lot of lessons' from the WWE icons.

Cole worked closely with both Michaels and NXT Executive Producer Triple H during his time in the WWE brand, before departing from the company to join All Elite Wrestling in September.

The former NXT Champion cannot thank the team in NXT enough for working with him.

Speaking on the AEW Unrestricted Podcast, Cole said: "Across the board, when you think about all the knowledge these guys have and not just that, but the willingness to give up that knowledge. It’s priceless in a lot of ways. Whether it be Regal, whether it be Terry Taylor, or whether it be Shawn Michaels, all of them are just so passionate about wrestling and so willing to talk about it and give that knowledge up.

"My relationship specifically with Shawn, to this day, still exists. He is someone who helped me tremendously when he didn’t have to. I look at Shawn Michaels still to this day as the greatest pro wrestler of all time. He’s a guy I have idolized to this day. So, he was so, so helpful in getting me to think outside the box in a lot of ways and think about things I didn’t normally think about…..I love him to death. I love Terry and Regal as well. When I say I had a wonderful time there, that’s an understatement. I really had a great time there. I wouldn’t be the wrestler I am today if it wasn’t for my time there.

"The other thing too is, and I really respect this about Hunter. That guy is being grabbed in 18 different directions all day. He’s always on the phone, he’s always being pulled to the side, he’s always being asked his opinion. For him to not only succeed in every single thing he’s been asked to do, but do it with a smile on his face and a passion for the industry, is admirable.

"We all love pro wrestling, but he’s been going at this for a really, really long time. To see him with that mentality and mindset – the same with Shawn – is inspiring. It used to fire all of us up. I learned a lot of lessons from those two."

H/T 411 Mania

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