AEW: All Out 2021 - As It Happened
All the action as All Out returns to Chicago
Sep 6, 2021
It’s Sunday night, you know what that means, as AEW All Out returned to Chicago for the first time since 2019.
All sanctioned AEW titles were on the line tonight, but all eyes were on the returning CM Punk, who wrestled his first match in seven years when he took on Darby Allin. We had returns, several huge debuts, and title changes, as AEW put on a truly historic night of wrestling.
The Buy In: Chuck Taylor, Orange Cassidy, Wheeler Yuta & Jurassic Express vs. The Hardy Family Office
Loud ‘DELETE’ chants as Big Money Matt refused to fight anyone but Orange Cassidy. Instead Luchasaurus started things off, before Jungle Boy showed off his stuff to a rapturous response. Wheeler Yuta was worked over somewhat by the HFO, before everyone got tangled up in a mass submission spot which was handily broken up by a marauding Luchasaurus. Yuta came close with a two-count off of a Superfly Splash, whilst HFO came close to a win after some Gin ’N Juice. Cassidy took everyone out with some sloth style, before Hardy took him out with Twist of Fate. The Blade tried a run-in but was stopped by a huge dive from Marko Stunt, as Jungle Boy got the Snare Trap on Angelico for the tap-out victory.
Winners: Chuck Taylor, Orange Cassidy, Wheeler Yuta & Jurassic Express
Post-match The Butcher made his return to a huge ovation, as The HFO laid waste to Orange Cassidy. The Varsity Blondes, Dante Martin, John Silver and '10' ran in to make the save before The HFO could do too much damage.
Dan Lambert and The Men of the Year were in a private box, accompanied by Junior Dos Santos, Andre Arlovski, and Jorge Masvidal. Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page bigged up their association with American Top Team, as Lambert announced that Sky had signed a new five-year contract extension with AEW.
Miro (c) vs. Eddie Kingston - TNT Championship
Kingston went straight for the DDT, but Miro slipped out looking frustrated with Kingston’s quick start. Kingston showed the champ no respect with an eye poke, Kobashi style machine gun chops, and a classic Akiyama Exploder Suplex. Eddie went for a dive off of the apron, but Miro powerslammed Kingston into the floor. An enraged Miro proceeded to victimise Eddie in-ring, but Eddie wouldn’t stay down. Kingston nailed a Saito Suplex but couldn’t follow up, but woke up after absorbing some Miro forearm shots, nailing The Redeemer with several harsh chops and a pair of backdrops for a two count. Miro planted Kingston with a German Suplex and a huge pump kick, but as Miro locked in Game Over, Kingston made it to the ropes. Kingston hit a spinning backfist and a DDT for two-and-three-quarters, and took a mule kick to the groin as the ref was distracted. High kick to the face sealed the deal for Miro.
Winner and still TNT Champion: Miro
Jon Moxley vs. Satoshi Kojima
AEW debut time for the legendary Satoshi Kojima, as the former Triple Crown and IWGP Heavyweight Champion took on new GCW Champion Jon Moxley in singles action. Hard-hitting action to the surprise of nobody, as Mox and Kojima teed off on one another with stiff strikes. Moxley’s chest turned purple after eating multiple machine gun chops, before taking a top-rope superplex, and a stiff DDT on the apron. Duelling chants as Kojima built momentum, but Mox cut him off and locked in a cross armbreaker to take the sting out of Kojima’s strikes. Mox avoided the Cozy Lariat, folded Kojima with a German suplex, and took the NJPW legend down with a big knee, but it was not enough as Kojima hit a crisp Koji Cutter. More strikes exchanged before Moxley nailed the King Kong Lariat and sank in the Bulldog Choke, but Kojima got the rope break. Paradigm Shift and a a Death Rider sealed the win for Mox.
Winner: Jon Moxley
Post-match, Moxley was celebrating in ring before the iconic Kaze Ni Nare blared out, as Minoru Suzuki walked out with a demented grin on his face. Suzuki and Moxley exchanged strikes and laughter in the middle of the ring, before Suzuki locked in the rear naked choke and the Gotch Style Piledriver.
Britt Baker (c) vs. Kris Statlander - AEW Women’s World Championship
The Dentist vs. The Alien with the Women’s World Title on the line. Statlander got the best of the opening exchanges, booping Baker with her own finger, but the champ came into the bout with a nasty twisting fisherman’s neck breaker off of the top turnbuckle. Statlander kept the champ at bay with a series of strikes, but Baker was never out, hitting a textbook DDT for two. Statlander went for Big Bang Theory to no avail, before hitting a deadlift superplex to a big reaction. Statlander missed Area451, allowing Baker an attempt at Lockjaw. The Alien fought out with an electric chair front drop, and got a close two with a scissors kick, but a pendulum moonsault on the outside got nothing but air as Baker hit a stair assisted curbstomp. Orange Cassidy screamed at Statlander to get up, and Kris obliged as the Chicago crowd ate it up. Stiff kicks in the corner from the champ and a Panama Sunrise for two as the crowd went ballistic… bay-bay. Lockjaw locked-in, as Baker retained the strap.
Winner and still AEW Women’s World Champion: Britt Baker
The Young Bucks (c) vs. The Lucha Bros - AEW World Tag Team Championship Cage Match
Muelas De Gallo heralded Lucha Bros to the ring, who looked resplendent in extravagant headgear. The Bucks were in Chicago Bulls colours, with Brandon Cutler bringing up the rear, as Don Callis joined commentary. The action was frenetic as you’d expect, with Penta and Fenix getting the majority of offence in the opening exchanges. Both teams used extensive double team manoeuvres, with The Jacksons teaming to powerbomb Fenix into the cage, as Nick Jackson hit a free kick with Penta’s face. Cutters went off left right and centre from both teams, before Penta hit a wheelbarrow driver for a two. Nasty German suplex on the apron on Fenix, before The Bucks crushed Penta with an assisted senton bomb. The Bucks were firmly in control, but couldn’t pull out the win, resorting to huge groin kicks to get the advantage back. More Bang For Your Buck got a two, before Cutler threw his ‘doctor’s bag’ over the top into Matt Jackson’s arms. Matt pulled out a thumbtack encrusted Travis Scott Air Jordan 1, nailing Penta in the face, as he took one for younger brother Fenix. Penta was a bloody mess as The Bucks continued their assault, but the BTE Trigger couldn’t get the job done as a brutalised Fenix broke the count. Fenix was a house on fire as he nailed The Bucks with innovative kicks, before using the thumbtack Jordan on The Bucks, before a Blackfire Driver came close to a win. Penta and Matt Jackson hit stereo Package Piledrivers on the apron, before Penta hit a ridiculous avalanche Canadian Destroyer on Matt. Four way superkick party wiped everyone out, and The fear factor nearly ended things before Matt Jackson made the save. Fenix went to the top of the cage, and hit a massive crossbody back into the ring, before spiking Nick Jackson with a tandem piledriver for the win and the titles.
Winners and NEW AEW World Tag Team Champions: The Lucha Brothers
Casino Battle Royale
Clubs drawn first with Hikaru Shida, Skye Blue, Emi Sakura, The Bunny, and Abadon starting things off. Skye Blue was eliminated to massive boos, before Bunny got rid of Abadon. Suit two was the Diamonds - Anna Jay, Kiera Hogan, Kylinn King, Diamanté, and Nyla Rose joining the fray. Anna Jay and Bunny hockey punched each other, as Sakura, Hogan, and King were eliminated. Nyla Rose Beast Bombed Shida out of the match and soon it was time for the Hearts to join; Thunder Rosa, Penelope Ford, Riho, Jamie Hayter, and Big Swole. Hayter threw out Riho, and disposed of Swole after she had turfed out Diamanté. Final suit, the Spades; Tay Conti, Red Velvet, Leyla Hirsch, Jade Cargill, and Rebel (not Reba). Rebel was soon turfed out, followed by Bunny, Anna Jay, and Leyla Hirsch who was gorilla pressed by Jade Cargill. Time for the reveal of the joker, as Ruby Soho finally arrived in AEW to a massive reaction. Jade Cargill whipped Jamie Hayter out, followed by Red Velvet, before Nyla Rose turfed Cargill out. Conti eliminated Penelope, before being knocked off the apron by Nyla. The Native Beast ran riot on Thunder Rosa and Ruby Soho, before a low-bridge by Rosa saw her off. Down to the final two, as Soho and Rosa circled each other as duelling chants rang out. Lots of strikes and counter strikes, but it was Soho’s time, taking Rosa out with a huge head kick on the apron.
Winner: Ruby Soho
Chris Jericho vs. MJF - The Final Fight
Classic Millennium Man Y2J countdown… as MJF trolls the Chicago crowd. Jericho and Floyd the bat made their way heralded by live guitarist Billy Grey of Fozzy as the crowd attempted to sing along. Jericho and MJF were even as the match started, but soon made their way ringside, and into the crowd. Back in ring MJF got the upper hand and started working over Jericho’s damaged arm, but Jericho soon fired back with classic offence to take back control of the bout. MJF quickly regained control with a crass Fargo strut and a massive Heatseeker. MJF missed an Asai moonsault but stuck the landing, however Jericho was ready and hit a Kevin Owens apron powerbomb to take Max down. The heads of The Pinnacle and Inner Circle traded standing blows in ring, before MJF hit a huge Codebreaker on a flying Jericho, wiping both men out. Lionsault for two by Jericho, but as Le Champion went for a top rope Frankensteiner, MJF turned it into a sit out powerbomb for a close two count. Bret’s rope Codebreaker by Jericho got a two, as Wardlow made his way ringside. Jake Hager cut Mr. Mayhem off, and the two brawled to the back as MJF hit Jericho in the head with Floyd the bat. Judas Effect by MJF gets the three… but Jericho got his foot on the bottom rope.
Referee Paul Turner informed Aubrey Edwards of the rope break, and the mach was restarted to a massive ovation. Jericho nearly got the win with a roll-up, MJF got the Salt of the Earth Fujiwara armbar, but Jericho fought out and locked in the Walls of Jericho as MJF tapped out.
Winner: Chris Jericho
Post-match, The Inner Circle came to the ring to celebrate with The Demo God.
CM Punk vs. Darby Allin
Darby’s traditional pre-match video showed Allin hoisting a filled body bag marked ‘Best in the World’ with a helicopter, before Darby jumped out of the chopper into the unknown. Sting saw Darby to the ring, then true to his word returned to the back. Finally it was “clobberin’ time” as the Chicago crowd screamed along with CM Punk. No ROH basketball shorts or WWE style trunks for Punk, who debuted new tights for his first match in seven years. The two sat across the ring from one another as the crowd ate up every second of it. Slow start as both men figured each other out, but when Darby started speeding up he almost ate a GTS. Couple of Coffin Splashes took the wind out of Punk’s sails, but Punk launched Darby back, as Allin tumbled through the turnbuckles and to the outside. Big tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Punk got two, as he tried to slow Darby down with submissions. Darby came back, hitting the back-pack Diamond Dust to take Punk down. Springboard Coffin Drop and a cradle got two, as Darby used his speed - and a code red for two - to keep Punk at bay. Punk went for a top rope back drop, but Darby turned it into a splash for two. Punk rolled through another pinning attempt and hit Go To Sleep, but Darby went spiralling through the ropes and to the outside. Darby beat the ten count, as Punk nailed his classic knee in the corner, and a big lariat. Punk went for another GTS, but Darby elbowed the hell out of Punk’s jaw to escape the hold, and hit his supersonic tope suicida to send Punk into the guardrails. Huge senton bomb by Darby onto a standing Punk on the outside, but when Darby went for Coffin Drop, Punk did the Taker sit-up to avoid it. Punk again went for GTS, but Darby got Last Supper for two, before eating a Punk leg lariat. Punk finally nailed Go To Sleep in the middle of the ring, and got the win.
Winner: CM Punk
Post-match, Sting came out to shake Punk’s hand, before Darby got up, shook Punk’s hand, and walked to the back.
Paul Wight vs. QT Marshall
Paul Wight came out for his AEW in-ring debut, taking on a Factory flanked QT Marshall. Wight disposed of The Factory as the bell rang, and liberally slathered some massive chops across Marshall’s chest. Marshall got a few licks in, but Wight manhandled him, Aaron Solow, and Nick Comoroto, before nailing a textbook chokeslam on Marshall for the quick victory.
Winner: Paul Wight
We heard from Jon Moxley, who had harsh words for Minoru Suzuki, as it was announced the two would clash in an AEW ring this Wednesday on Dynamite.
Malakai Black had a warning for Dustin Rhodes - also ahead of Dynamite - as Black vowed to exploit Dustin’s anger and weaknesses.
Kenny Omega (c) vs. Christian Cage - AEW World Championship
Kenny Missed a V Trigger straight away, and fought out of a Killswitch as Omega and Cage started laying into one another. Christian hit a massive splash to the outside as Don Callis watched on, before Omega nailed a massive double stomp through a table onto Christian. The two went back-and-forth in-ring, before Omega took it back outside and hit a big moonsault off the crowd rail. Captain Charisma recovered and hit a top rope Frankensteiner, avoided a One Winged Angel attempt, and soon hit the reverse DDT for a close two. Big tornado DDT from Cage got another two, but Omega came back with a couple of snapdragons, and a huge V Trigger that all but took Christian’s head off. The two jockeyed for position on the apron, before Cage hit a big spear off the apron through a table. Two more spears for Cage got a two count, before a Frog Splash was countered with knees. Omega’s hip gave out as he went for the Doctor Bomb, but he recovered to hit a big time V Trigger, but it was not enough as Cage locked in the Clover Leaf. The Good Brothers ran down to make the save, but Omega nailed Gallows with a V Trigger, allowing Cage to flip the Killswitch for a super close two count. Callis distracted Cage, allowing Omega to gather himself, and fight out of an avalanche Killswitch to hit a massive super One Winged Angel for the win, giving Cage his first loss in AEW.
Winner and still AEW World Champion: Kenny Omega
Post-match, Omega and Callis celebrated with the title, as a banged up Young Bucks came down to celebrate with the rest of The Super Elite. The Super Elite then beat on Cage, as Jurassic Express ran out for the save, to little avail. Omega took a mic and mocked Chicago, and said no-one is on his level as the lights went out and Adam Cole made his way to the stage to stare down his former brothers in The Elite as a huge ‘ADAM COLE BAY BAY’ rang through Chicago. But Cole superkicked Jungle Boy and rejoined The Elite instead. Story time with Adam Cole, as he said there ain’t 'no chance in hell' that anyone is going to stop The Elite. Omega bid goodbye and goodnight as Ride of the Valkyries blared - Bryan Danielson is here! This was the craziest end to a PPV in quite some time. A huge brawl erupted, as Danielson, Cage and Jurassic Express tangled with The Super Elite.
Full results: