AEW All Out 2023 Results

All the action from AEW All Out 2023 from Chicago

Jack Atkins side view with black and white filter

Sep 4, 2023

AEW All Out 2023 poster.jpg

Just one week after the historic All In event at London’s Wembley Stadium and All Elite Wrestling were at it again with the fifth annual All Out taking place once again from Chicago’s United Center.

Historically AEW’s biggest PPV, All Out took place in front of an impassioned Chicago crowd, one day after CM Punk’s firing from the company, with the AEW International Championship bout main eventing the show.

So here’s everything that happened at All Out 2023:

Hangman Page won the Over Budget Charity Battle Royale - Zero Hour pre-show

$50k on the line for charity and 20 wrestlers scrapping it out for the bag, what could possibly go wrong? The match saw Best Friends, Jake Hager, Cool Hand Ange, Daddy Magic, Daniel Garcia, Scorpio Sky, The Mogul Embassy, Dalton Castle, Shawn Spears, Aussie Open, Action Andretti, Darius Martin, Tony Nese, Komander, Serpentico, and Hangman Page all vying for the prize.

Tony Nese started things off with a mic in hand ripping the Chicago audience and encouraging everyone to work together to do some group training. Safe to say it didn’t work out, with Nese immediately hoyed from the match. Battle lines were drawn as Castle & The Boys and The Mogul Embassy fought at ringside, whilst the former JAS core of Jake Hager, Daniel Garcia, and 2point0 reunited. Eliminations came thick and fast, with The Boys helping eliminate Angelo Parker as The Mogul Embassy ran riot in the ring. Hangman Page and Trent Beretta teamed up to take on Aussie Open, whilst the audience booed Scorpio Sky for eliminating last remember former-JAS member Daniel Garcia. Garcia danced up the ramp though, obviously.

Final six saw Page, Trent, and Andretti facing off with Brian Cage, Toa Liona, and Kyle Fletcher. Fletcher soon saw off Andretti, but was eliminated by Trent with a half-and-half on the apron. Cage tossed Trent out, and it came down to 2/3 of The Mogul Embassy vs. Hangman. Page managed to dispose of Liona after a Buckshot, but Cage was ready to take the former AEW World Champion down, but he was not out as Hangman managed to skin the cat and headscissor ‘The Machine’ to the apron, reversing a piledriver attempt to fold Cage with a Deadeye on the apron to win the match and the charitable donation.

Hikaru Shida, Willow Nightingale, & Skye Blue def. Athena, Mercedes Martinez, & Diamante - Zero Hour pre-show

Instant arguing by the heels on the floor as Chicago’s own Skye Blue took them out with a diving crossbody. The Heels soon got the advantage, with Diamante and Martinez working over Skye Blue as the hometown crowd rallied behind Blue. Diamante and Mercedes utilised quick tags before eventually bringing in ROH Women’s Champion Athena to the delight of Billie Starkz at ringside. Athena argued with her team mates, but with her eyes off the prize Blue tagged in Willow Nightingale as the ‘Babe with the Power’ ran wild on the champ.

It all broke down as all six women ran wild, but Skye Blue’s moonsault attempt was spotted by Martinez who folded the  rookie star with a Spider German Suplex. Nightingale crushed Mercedes with a cannonball but ate an O Face from Athena. Athena and Shida then threw down in the middle of the ring, with Shida dropping Athena with a pinpoint elbow. On the floor Willow pounced Athena into the crowd barrier, then came into the ring to team with Skye Blue to hit a thrust kick//Spiccoli Driver combo, as Blue hit Code Blue on Diamante for the win.

We saw RUSH chewing out La Faccion Ingobernable at his estate in Mexico as he vowed to take over AEW with his crew. 

The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn (c) def. Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, & Satnam Singh - AEW World Trios Championships - Zero Hour pre-show

Sonjay Dutt did a big into for Team Jarrett, channeling the 90s Chicago Bulls as Satnam Singh, Jay Lethal, and Jeff Jarrett hotdogged on the stage. Then it was time for the The Acclaimed to arrive with Daddy Ass and Dennis Rodman - complete with bars about Kim Jong Un and The Oddities, naturally. Daddy Ass then demanded Aubrey Edwards come out to ref this match as Karen Jarrett went berserk at ringside.

As the bell rang it turned into a mass brawl, with action spilling to the floor. Scissor Me Timbers to Jeff then a double Fargo Strut by The Acclaimed. Team Jarrett soon took control, as Rodzilla watched from the floor, with lethal and Jeff isolating Max Caster. Anthony Bowens eventually tagged in, but the shenanigans of the Jarrett threatened to keep the momentum in their favour. Soon Gunn came in to clear house but he was stopped by a Satnam Singh Big Boot. Karen Jarrett went after Gunn with the guitar but was stopped by Aubrey who then physically kicked her out of the ring as Rodman hit Singh with El Kabong. Fameasser and a Mic Drop to Lethal secured the win for the champs. Rodman even got involved with a scissor party because why not.

Better Than You Bay Bay (c) def. The Dark Order - ROH World Tag Team Championships

All Out opened with the new ROH World Tag Team Champions Adam Cole and MJF taking on The Dark Order, and to the surprise of no-one the champs got a heroes’ welcome. The crowd immediately started a  alone against two men. ’Double Clothesline’ chant as John Silver mocked Adam Cole. Cole took Silver down with a pump kick and tagged in MJF for the Double Clothesline, but Alex Reynolds and Evil Uno pulled Silver to the floor to safety. 

MJF started a ‘SPORTSMANSHIP’ chant as he squared off against Alex Reynolds - with Reynolds helping train MJF earlier in his career - MJF naturally thumbed Reynolds in the eye then called for the Kangaroo Kick, but was thwarted by Silver. MJF grasped his neck - which he hurt at All In - then reconvened with Cole on the floor. The Dark Order then struck, with Reynolds jabbing MJF in the neck with a chair as Evil Uno distracted referee Paul Turner. Dr. Sampson then attended to MJF as he lay in pain on the floor, with staff escorting Friedman to the back, leaving Cole to go it alone against two men. Dark Order double teamed Cole, but the former ROH World Champ isolated Silver and Reynolds, taking out the latter with a superkick on the floor. Silver rolled through a Panama Sunrise attempt to pepper Cole with strikes and a Fisherman’s buster for two. With the ref distracted Evil Uno beat down Cole on the floor, but he fought back against The Beaver Boys, nailing Silver with the OG Last Shot. Uno mocked Cole from MJF’s spot on the apron, allowing Dark Order to hit their rapid combo on Cole for a two. 

Reynolds and Silver antagonised the crowd with a Double Clothesline, but they could only get a two count as Cole powered out. Reynolds attempted to hit Cole with the belt but ate a boot, as Cole and Silver took each other out in the ring. MJF then reappeared to a massive ovation with refs trying to get him to into the medical area. Hot tag to MJF who took out Dark Order with punches and body slams, running wild with one arm as he held his neck. Soon it was time for the dreaded Kangaroo Kick, then Evil Uno ate a Superkick before the champs took Alex Reynolds out with the Double Clothesline for the win.

MJF shrugged off doctors once more, but before he could make it to the back Samoa Joe appeared for his match, shoving the AEW World Champion out of the way as Adam Cole calmed him down. MJF then rushed Joe in the ring and promptly got  guillotined by Joe as security ran in to broke it up. MJF was furious as Joe mocked him from the top turnbuckle. Better Than You Bay Bay then showed off their titles as they left, but MJF was still fuming.

Samoa Joe (c) def. Shane Taylor - ROH World Television Championship

Shane Taylor eventually made his entrance, finally getting his shot at Joe after winning the recent Eliminator Tournament for a shot at the gold, and we had ourselves the first hoss fight of the night. 

Taylor and Joe were quick out of the gate with heavy strikes, Taylor getting first blood by taking Joe to the floor with a stiff clothesline. Back in the ring and Taylor levelled Joe with a nice standing uranage and a splash for a one count, before trash talking the legendary former ROH World Champion. Joe with the elbow suicida, then back into the ring to hit the high boot and the Senton splash, also for a one count. Joe managed to lock in a sleeper from the apron, but Taylor managed to drag Joe onto the ropes for an elevated jawbreaker and a diving bodysplash from Bret’s Rope for two. Joe crumpled Taylor with a lariat but it took it all out of both men. Standing strikes from both men, then Joe locked in the Coquina Clutch and got the submission win.

Luchasaurus (c) def. Darby Allin - TNT Championship

Darby brought Nick Wayne with him to try and counteract the nefarious Christian Cage, as Cage once again has the TNT Championship draped over his shoulder as if he was the champion.

Darby started intensely, taking the fight to the floor, despite his ribs being taped from the hellacious Coffin Match at Wembley Stadium. Luchasaurus instantly grabbed Darby and yeeted him into the railing, before lifting him by the waist and swinging him headfirst into the steel steps, busting Darby open. Luchasaurus then tipped the stairs onto their side and drove Darby’s head into them, before pinning the former TNT Champ beneath them and stamping up them on his way back into the ring. Nick Wayne freed Darby, but Allin was clearly suffering. 

Back in the ring and Luchasaurus was still in control, manhandling Darby. Darby got some momentum, hitting Luchasaurus with a diving shoulderblock, but he bounced off the champ and lay crumpled in a heap. The fight returned to the floor, but Darby managed to get some momentum, peppering Luchasaurus with strikes before hitting a diving Senton bomb onto a seated Luchasaurs at ringside. The high risk manoeuvre clearly hurt Allin, but he managed to reverse a Torture Rack bomb attempt into a crucifix bomb for two before taking a high angle release German Suplex on top of his head. Luchasaurus once again with the Torture Rack as Cage taunted Wayne on the floor, trying to get the teenage sensation to throw the towel in for Darby. Allin then escaped Luchasaurus’ hold to hit Cage with a high speed tope suicida, then hit Luchasaurus with an avalanche Code Red for two and nine-tenths, super close call there. 

Allin had a second wind and climbed to the top, as Cage nailed Wayne on the floor with a steel chair. Cage then went to set up a Conchairto and taunted Allin, allowing Luchasaurus to grab Darby and hit two Tombstones and a huge lariat to the back of the head for the win.

Post-match Christian set Darby up for the Conchairto whilst Luchasaurus held Wayne in place, but members of the locker room ran out to save Darby and run off the heels.

Miro def. Powerhouse Hobbs

Hoss fight number two as ‘The Redeemer’ and ‘The Powerhouse’ squared off to slap some meat. The two went at it as the bell rang, Hobbs getting the first knock downs before Miro fired back. Some big meaty standing clotheslines took place before Hobbs cut Miro down. Miro utilised his agility to hit a big time spinwheel kick for two, but Hobbs didn’t stay down long, eventually sending the big man flying with an overhead release belly-to-belly suplex. The fight went to the floor, Miro hitting a cannonball off the apron then ramming Hobbs into the rails and apron.

Big ‘SLAP THAT MEAT’ chant because everyone loves a hoss fight, so Hobbs slapped on a side headlock in order to grind Miro’s historically bad neck down and defuse the crowd. More meat slappin’ occurred with a series of bodysplashes and clubbing clotheslines until Hobbs went down, the crowd roaring ‘MEAT’ with each strike. Miro then hit the Beats of the Bodhrán then went up top for a big superplex before hitting the Machka Kick. A second kick missed as Hobbs hit an impressive deadlift powerslam for two. Crowd really fired up for this one as a second Machka Kick got a two. Game Over time as Miro locked in the recliner, but Hobbs powered up to his feet and rove Miro into the turnbuckle, then hit a huge powerslam for a nearfall. Hobbs went for Game Over but ate a Spinebuster of his own, as Miro locked in Game Over for a second time and finally got the tap out win.

Post-match Hobbs stuck out his hand in respect as a hesitant Miro shook it, but it was all a ruse as Hobbs rushed ‘The Redeemer’ from behind. Then as Hobbs beat down Miro his ‘hot and flexible’ wife CJ Perry ran down with a chair to crack Hobbs in the back, to no avail. Hobbs stared down Perry, but this allowed Miro to rock Hobbs with two chairshots. Miro looked shocked to see CJ, then rolled out of the ring alone shaking his head before heading to the back in anguish whilst shouting “You’re not real”.

Kris Statlander (c) def. Ruby Soho - TBS Championship

The Outcasts were in the house, but noticeably without Toni Storm, as Saraya came to the ring with Ruby Soho, spraycan in hand. Kris Statlander went full Derek Zoolander, complete with headband and a little Blue Steel, to the confusion of Jim Ross on commentary.

Statlander got the opening Salvo to the chagrin of Soho, then hit successive kip-ups as Soho looked for an opening. Running knee by Statlander sent Soho reeling as the fight went to the floor, with Statlander chasing Saraya around ringside, allowing Soho to hit a missile dropkick from the apron to level the TBS Champion. Soho drove Statlander’s head into the guardrail before taking the fight back into the ring, Saraya bending every rule from the outside when the ref wasn’t looking. Stat fired back with a series of clotheslines, but Ruby wasn’t phased, taking the champ down with a form of an STO for two. The bout became strike focused as Statlander fought her way back into the bout, with a huge knee strike into a snap powerslam getting a two count.

Saito suplex by Ruby took the champ back down, but Statlander kept fighting back, with a lovely spinning Falcon Arrow nearly getting the win for the champ. Back-and-forth affair, with neither competitor clearly on top. Soho evaded a Sunday Night Fever to get a two count, but Statlander came back with a lovely avalanche spinning powerslam for two. Fireman’s Carry attempt by Statlander was countered into a Poison Frankensteiner, but a follow-up Tornado DDT and hurricanrana driver could only net a two count. Blue Thunder Bomb by Statlander got a two, then a Saraya distraction allowed Ruby to hit a No Future and Destination Unknown… but only for a two. Ruby grabbed the green spray as Saraya distracted the ref, but Toni Storm arrived from under the ring to steal the spray, allowing Statlander to hit Sunday night Fever for the successful defence.

Bryan Danielson def. Ricky Starks - Strap Match

The Final Countdown blared out once more as Bryan Danielson returned to in-ring competition, looks like Tony Khan has shelled out for it full-time. Ricky Starks wasn’t impressed, as Ricky Steamboat watched on from commentary. Danielson gladly accepted the strap, but Starks ducked out to run laps of the ring, then bumrushed Danielson and whipped him with a weight belt on the floor. A shot to Danielson’s face busted him open as Starks finally put the strap round his wrist and the match officially began.

Starks continued with his violent start, stomping Danielson’s arm into the steel steps, then hitting a big leg drop on the apron. Starks choked Danielson with the strap then whipped ‘The American Dragon’, the latter spurring on the former ROH World Champion. Starks wasn’t phased, once again whipping Danielson then choking him over the top rope with the leather strap. Danielson came alive with Starks perched on the top rope, whipping the hell out of ‘Absolute’ then choking Starks as he was stuck upside down in the ropes. More big-time whips to Starks’ chest, then a series of basement dropkicks to Starks’ mush from Danielson. 

Danielson went for a tope suicida but ate the strap, but Danielson wasn’t down long, fighting with Starks on the floor and repeatedly ramming Starks’ shoulder into the ringpost. A bloodied Starks ate some more whips to the back before the action returned to the ring. Yes Kicks had Starks pegged back, but he levelled Danielson with a lariat. Both men returned to their feet and took turns whipping each other in the face, Starks coming out on top. Danielson fired up again, screaming at Starks and teeing off on his face with strap whips and Yes Kicks, but Big Bill made his presence felt to stop Danielson going for the win. Ricky Steamboat then left the broadcast position to attack Big Bill, with Danielson leaping on both Starks and Bill on the floor. Busaiku Knee attempt was met with a big spear for two, then an enraged Starks just started wailing on Danielson with punches, but a Rochambeau attempt was avoided, with Danielson hitting the Knee for two. Danielson then vowed to kick Starks’ ‘f****** head in’ before laying in a series of stomps and locking in the LeBell Lock in the centre of the ring. Danielson then modified the hold, choking Starks with the strap as Ricky passed out from the pain.

We had a recap of Hangman Page’s $50k charity win, as Nigel McGuinness took the mic and announced that the money will be going to the Chicago Public Education Fund. Lovely. 

Eddie Kingston & Katsuyori Shibata def. The Blackpool Combat Club

Nice tribute to Terry Funk from Eddie Kingston who was sporting a ‘CLAUDIO SUCKS EGGS’ tee. Better eggs than ‘deez nuts’ I suppose. 

Shibata and Wheeler Yuta started things off, and once again Yuta was outclassed by ‘The Wrestler’ as the ROH PURE Champion tied the BCC member up in knots. Castagnoli came in to square off with Shibata, rocking the NJPW legend with Very European Uppercuts before Kingston tagged in to face his old nemesis. Claudio was having none of it, tagging Yuta back in who bore the brunt of Kingston’s wrath. Eddie then bumrushed Claudio on the floor as the two had a hockey fight, allowing Yuta to take Eddie down with a tope suicida. The BCC were firmly in control, with Claudio and Yuta double teaming and cheapshotting Kingston at every opportunity.  Series of stomps by Claudio kept Eddie down, but the ‘Mad King’ eventually fought his way back into the match with a hot tag to Shibata who teed off on Claudio in the corner, hitting the textbook high angle dropkick to Castagnoli’s face. Shibata got a traingle locked in, but Claudio powered out with a powerbomb. Yuta tagged in and hit the Rocket Launcher for two, but was soon cracked in the face by Shibata. Claudio peppered Shibata with chops as he had Yuta in an inverted leglock, eventually getting Claudio in a standing ankle lock at the same time.

Kingston re-entered the fray to DDT Yuta, then hit the Kobashi machine gun chops, an Exploder, but a Uriken attempt was thwarted by a Claudio boot. Pump kick Saito Suplex combo on Yuta got a two. Uppercut exchange by Claudio and Shibata was ended by a big right hand from Shibata. Yuta hit a series of German Suplexes on Kingston for two, then Eddie and Claudio had a slap fight in the centre of the ring, Claudio getting a two after a short arm clothesline. Neutraliser by Claudio for two, but a follow up Ricola bomb was thwarted, Kingston hitting the Uriken and a Northern Lights Bomb for two, Yuta breaking up the pin attempt. Shibata got the sleeper on Yuta after an Eddie Uriken, but Claudio hit Eddie with a surprise European Uppercut to get the win in the latest chapter of Eddie vs. Claudio.

Konosuke Takeshita def. Kenny Omega

Omega sporting his old DDT colours with some green tights on for his first singles match against Takeshita since 2013. Loud chants for Omega as the action starts, with Takeshita taking everything Kenny threw at him. An early jumping knee attempt was blocked by Omega, with Takeshita then spiking Kenny with a sickening high angle Backdrop Driver to the top of Omega’s head. The fight spilled to the floor, Kenny hitting the fireman’s carry into a guardrail moonsault. Back in ring and Kenny was building momentum with a series of kicks to Takeshita, but Takeshita fired back with a leaping clothesline. Frankensteiner attempt was turned into a reverse powerbomb throw into the turnbuckle by Takeshita, followed up by a sheerdrop brainbuster on the floor. 

Takeshita removed several steel chairs but was stopped from using them by referee Paul Turner, but this allowed Don Callis to place them on top of Omega on the floor as Takeshita hit an Eddie Guerrero sunset flip onto the chair sporting Omega on the floor. Blue Thunder Bomb for two and a follow-up Senton Splash by Takeshita had Omega reeling, with a stiff forearm shot dropping Kenny as he was attempting a comeback with a series of hard chops. A second senton attempt by Takeshita found nothing but knees, and a corner Jumping Knee attempt missed, allowing Omega to hit the Terminator Senton to the floor. Back in the ring and a rejuvenated Omega hit a missile dropkick to the back of Takeshita’s head, then a follow-up pair of Snapdragons, a V Trigger, and a poison Frankensteiner for two. V Trigger attempt missed, but Takeshita had the last laugh with a huge lariat taking Kenny down. Big powerbomb and a V Trigger from Omega got a two, but a One Winged Angel attempt was avoided, Takeshita getting a two after a Tombstone, and a subsequent German Suplex.

Both men got a second wind and exchanged strikes, before Kenny went for an avalanche One Winged Angel, only for Takeshita to wriggle free and hit a massive avalanche Blue Thunder Bomb for a very near fall. Big knee from Takeshita got another two, but Don Callis missed Omega’s head with the screwdriver. Omega hit the ripcord knee and the V Trigger, but Takeshita rolled through out of a One Winged Angel and hit a wheelbarrow German suplex and an unsheathed knee strike for two as the crowd went ballistic. Flush running exposed knee to Omega, and Takeshita gets the win, pinning Omega twice in seven days.

Bullet Club Gold def. FTR & The Young Bucks

Mixed reactions for The young Bucks and FTR due to both teams differing relationships with CM Punk. Quick counter wrestling from Wheeler and Colten to start off, with Wheeler’s experience giving him the foothold in the match. Harwood tagged in for a spell, then The Jacksons entered the match to a loud mixed reaction as they ran wild on The Gunns. Harwood and Jay White then tagged in, with BC establishing dominance on the match. The heels isolated Harwood and made quick tags to keep him pegged back, but Dax fired back and decked all four members of the Bang Bang Gang. FTR then double teamed White before Juice Robinson entered the fray with his unique manic offence. 

Eight man stand off in the middle of the ring turned into a mass brawl, with FTR and The Bucks teaming together to lock in quad Sharpshooters as somewhere in Alberta Bret Hart cracked a happy frown. Bullet Club again fought back, once again isolating Harwood as order was restored to the match. Dax fought back again, shaking off Juice with a backdrop, but BC once again kept him isolated. More tags from BC kept momentum in their favour, with Juice antagonising everyone he could as The Gunns teed off on Harwood. ‘Rock Hard’ missed a high velocity cannonball in the corner as Dax begrudgingly tagged in Nick Jackson. Nick ran wild to yet another mixed reaction, doing his ‘lucha libre’ before Matt tagged in and The Young Bucks hit BCG with a host of double team moves. Cash tagged in and almost ate a Matt Jackson superkick, but the two team to throw their own Superkick Party. The faces had a ton of momentum behind them, with Matt Jackson and Dax hitting a spike piledriver for two. 

Another eight man brawl took flight in the ring, before Dax hit the Superplex, and the other three hit a trio of dives culminating in a 450 for two as Juice dragged Dax to the floor to break the pin. Jay White started toying with Dax, but Harwood soaked up White’s offence and levelled him with a shortarm clothesline, then a Shatter Machine from Dax and Nick Jackson before a BTFTR Trigger to White for two. Fameasser on the floor to Matt by Colten, then Colten got the pin on Cash Wheeler after a Bladerunner by White. Guns up for the Bang Bang Gang in Chicago.

Jon Moxley def. Orange Cassidy (c) - AEW International Championship

Main event time, and seven days after clashing in a blood spattered Wembley Stadium Stampede match, Jon Moxley and Orange Cassidy squared off for the International Championship.

Big fight in-ring intros by Justin Roberts before things kicked off, with OC and Moxley taking their time to lock-up, Cassidy soaking up the atmosphere and potentially playing some early mindgames. Slothstyle as the match kicked off, but Mox caught OC in his steps and slugged him, before dishing out some vicious knife-edge chops. Early Orange Punch attempt avoided, Mox throwing OC onto his neck with a pair of deep back suplexes. Duelling chants as OC started peppering Mox with strikes, but Mox started caving OC’s head with some armtrap stomps after rolling through a crossbody. Stundog Millionaire and a tope suicida allows OC back into the bout, but Mox countered the tornado DDT with a big release vertical suplex throw. 

Mox opened up OC’s head after throwing him into the ringpost, then opened it up some more with a series of punches and bites on the announce desk. A bloody OC beat the ref’s count but ended up straight on the receiving end of a Mox piledriver for two. Mox was viciously toying with Cassidy, trash talking down the camera and rocking the champ with some Taz style crossface punches in the ropes. Cassidy fired back with punches but Mox wasn’t phased, putting his hands in his pockets before rocking Cassidy. On the top rope Cassidy fought back, scratching and biting Moxley then hitting a diving DDT and a tornado DDT. Orange Punch missed again as Mox started striking some more, but third time was a charm for OC, although he could only manage a two count.

Big Gotch style piledriver by Mox got a two, then he rolled into the Bulldog Choke, but OC fought on… but this allowed Mox to transition into an armbar, and then into a LeBell lock. OC got the ropes but he was dead to the world, limply rolling to the floor as Mox looked unfazed. Mox rolled to the floor and ripped up the ringside mats, but OC managed to counter a piledriver attempt into a Beach Break and a follow-up dropkick, but the champ was out on his feet. Back in ring and OC was in control, hitting a second Orange Punch, then a third, but a fourth was reversed into a cutter by Mox. Orange Punch and a big spear by OC for two, then the King of Sloth Style emerged to toy with Moxley with his trademark mocking kicks which quickly turned into real kicks. Pair of lariats, a stiff clothesline, and The Death Rider could only get a two for Mox, then a defiant Orange Cassidy flipped the double bird at Mox before eating a crisp high angle Death Rider. 1-2-3, Jon Moxley is your new AEW International Champion.

The Blackpool Combat Club came to ringside to celebrate with the new champion then left to the back, as a bloodied Cassidy lay supine in the ring. Standing ovation for Cassidy after the end of his true workhorse run with the belt, and a thumbs up takes All Out off the air.

Full results, AEW All Out 2023:

  • Jon Moxley def.Orange Cassidy (c) - AEW International Championship
  • Bullet Club Gold def. FTR & The Young Bucks
  • Konosuke Takeshita def. Kenny Omega
  • The Blackpool Combat Club def. Eddie Kingston & Katsuyori Shibata
  • Bryan Danielson def. Ricky Starks - Strap Match
  • Kris Statlander (c) def. Ruby Soho - TBS Championship
  • Miro def. Powerhouse Hobbs
  • Luchasaurus (c) def. Darby Allin - TNT Championship
  • Samoa Joe (c) def. Shane Taylor - ROH World Television Championship
  • Better Than You Bay Bay (c) def. The Dark Order - ROH World Tag Team Championships
  • The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn (c) def. Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, & Satnam Singh - AEW World Trios Championships - Zero Hour pre-show
  • Hikaru Shida, Willow Nightingale, & Skye Blue def. Athena, Mercedes Martinez, & Diamante - Zero Hour pre-show
  • Hangman Page won the Over Budget Charity Battle Royale - Zero Hour pre-show


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