AEW: Dynamite Results - July 28 2021: Fight For The Fallen
Chris Jericho vs… Nick Gage?
Jul 29, 2021
It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means - Chris Jericho vs. Nick F’n Gage.
Fight for the Fallen took place live from Charlotte, North Carolina, and started off hot with the ten-man tag match for an AEW World Heavyweight Title and AEW World Tag Title shots. A video played for Page and The Dark Order explaining what a cowboy is, as loud ‘Cowboy S***’ chants rang out, and it seems Hangman is officially in The Dark Order. The Elite had a basketball inspired entrance, with all The Elite members coming out like the Tune Squad as Omega sank a slam dunk. Surreal big fight feel for this match.
Elimination tag rules in effect, as The Dark Order fight for title shots. Hangman started with Karl Anderson, but it quickly turned into a mass brawl, with Dark Order hitting a quad suplex on The Elite. Alex Reynolds hit a superplex on Nick Jackson onto the outside where the rest of the competitors were fighting. Reynolds and Silver hit their rapid combo on Anderson for a close two, but Anderson recovered to eliminate Reynolds with a schoolboy and a handful of trunks. Anderson was next out after a Fatality by Uno and Grayson, and Matt Jackson nearly followed after a duo pop-up powerbomb. Uno and Grayson were on fire, again coming close to eliminating Gallows after a 450. The fight once again spilled outside, as Grayson hit a massive skytwister from the apron. Gallows sent him into the crowd, a fired up Stu hit a dive off of a crowd wall, and Gallows and Grayson got counted out. Back in ring, Omega got the knees up off of an Evil Uno senton bomb, then eliminated him with the One Winged Angel, leaving just Hangman and Silver left for The Dark Order. Meatman wasn’t going to shy away, unleashing on Matt Jackson as ‘Johnny Hungy’ chants rang out. The Jacksons got the upper hand, constantly taunting Hangman Page throughout. The Bucks took Hangman out with an apron powerbomb, but Silver wasn’t phased, running wild on The Elite, hitting an airplane spin on Nick Jackson for a nearfall. Omega and Nick peppered Silver with strikes and a snap German suplex, before The Bucks hit a basketball assisted indie-taker on the floor. BTE Trigger eliminated Silver, and The Super Elite went three-on-one against Hangman. Omega and Page went nose-to-nose, with Omega spitting in Page’s hair, leading to the two to strike each other. Page ate a superkick party and a German suplex, but it wouldn’t put him away. A fired up Page hit a moonsault to the outside, wiping out The Elite, and got a nearfall with a pop-up powerbomb on Omega. Double Buckshot Lariat on the Bucks eliminated Matt Jackson, and Omega almost followed after a Deadeye. Omega got a nearfall after a belt shot, then got the win with The One Winged Angel.
Backstage, Alex Marvez spoke with PAC. PAC said The Lucha Bros were stuck at the airport as someone had cancelled their transport. Andrade and Chavo Guerrero appeared, belittling The Bastard as they feigned ignorance over The Lucha Bros travel situation, saying they have booked them to arrive in style in a limo. Andrade told PAC to treat his people better, or they’ll come to someone who will.
Back in the arena, Taz introduced the new FTW World Champion Absolute Ricky Starks, as a Dixieland swing band played ‘Oh When The Saints’, and a ‘fan’ gave Starks roses and a kiss. Starks took the mic and said Team Taz got rid of some garbage in Brian Cage, before Starks said he was the glue that held Team Taz together, as Cage made mistakes and slipped up time and again. Starks called Cage selfish and inconsiderate, saying The Machine didn’t check up on Absolute when he was out with a broken neck. Starks continued to rant, until Cage made his way to the ring, taking out the band on his way. Starks threw the roses in Cage’s face and escaped with the belt and Hook.
We then got a video package from The Ace, Hiroshi Tanahashi! Tanahashi declared his interest in the IWGP US Championship, and challenged the winner of tonight’s title match. What forbidden door?
The Pinnacle made their way to the ring, as hometown boys FTR took on Santana and Ortiz, flanked by Konnan. Ortiz and Cash Wheeler started, and Ortiz got first blood, before Santana and Dax Harwood tagged in and had a chop-off. Santana got a huge ovation with the Three Amigos, before S&A hit a tandem powerbomb on Wheeler. FTR took control of the match, keeping Ortiz isolated in the corner, and utilising quick tags. Hot tag to Santana who ran wild, taking out Wheeler with a tope con hilo. Ortiz followed suit with a tope suicida on Wheeler, before a powerbomb/frogsplash combo on Harwood for two. A big German suplex on Harwood fired him up, but FTR couldn’t capitalise, as Santana got another nearfall with a diving powerbomb. Wheeler injured his arm off a ringpost shot, as Harwood took care of business, getting the win with a Brainbuster on Ortiz.
Tony Schiavone interviewed Britt Baker. Baker reminded Nyla Rose she is still the baddest bitch, and tapped Nyla out with a broken wrist. Britt said she keeps getting hurt, as does Reba, and said the pair need some back-up. Britt said everyone at home holds their breath waiting for her to fail, but they better be prepared to suffocate.
Schiavone was then on the stage, hyping up Tony Khan’s special event - AEW Rampage The First Dance at Chicago’s United Centre on August 20 - as huge CM Punk chants rang through the arena.
Alex Marvez was backstage with Darby Allin and Sting. Darby said he’d be in Chicago for the first dance, saying he’s been around a lot of men who claim they’re the greatest, and the only place to prove it is in AEW. Even if you think you’re ‘the best in the World.’
Bullet Club logos hit the stage as Hikuleo and King Haku arrived to take on IWGP US Heavyweight Champion Lance Archer. These are two huge men, but Archer started on the front foot, before eating a sit-out powerbomb from the 6’10” Hikuleo. The two brawled around ringside, before Haku took Archer out with the Tongan Death Grip. Hikuleo slowed things down, but Archer came back in with a big boot and some clubbing strikes in the corner, then hit a rope walk moonsault on Hikuleo. Archer connected with a huge superplex for two, then Blackout in the centre of the ring for the win. Archer will take on Tanahashi in Japan.
Alex Marvez was backstage with Cody Rhodes, when Malakai Black rushed Rhodes out of nowhere. The two fought their way to the stage, with Black getting the last laugh with a knee, before welcoming Rhodes to the ‘House of Black’. Some wrestlers and staff came to Rhodes’ aid, but Black took out Fuego del Sol with Black Mass.
Pre-recorded message from Miro, saying all his challenges have dried up, before saying next week God’s favourite Champion will fight Lee Johnson, warning Big Shotty that no-one can take The Redeemer’s title.
Match four, as Private Party and Angelico, took on Christian Cage and The Jurassic Express in trios action. Cage and Jungle Boy teamed well to overcome Angelico, as Jack Perry kept Angelico down with a series of strikes. Outside the ring Matt Hardy decked JB, but was soon chased off by Christian and Marko Stunt. Quen and Kassidy isolated JB in the corner, but missed Poetry in Motion, allowing JB to get the tag to Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus hit a loose German suplex on the entire Hardy Family Office, but Private Party flipped out of a double chokeslam to take Luchasaurus out with kicks. Jungle Boy evened the score with a tope con hilo onto Kassidy and Angelico, as Luchasaurus and Christian hit a tandem chokeslam and Frog Splash on Marq Quen for the win. Commentary pointed out that Cage is still undefeated in AEW.
Post-match, Cage was suckerpunched by HFO mercenary The Blade, who chinned Christian with the brass knucks before celebrating with Matt Hardy.
A Nick Gage hype video aired. Gage said he’s been through everything, and told Jericho he’s going to feel pain. MDK All day. Still surreal to see Gage in AEW.
Thunder Rosa’s first Dynamite match as a full-time roster member was next, as she took on Varsity Blonds’ Julia Hart. Huge Thunder Rosa chants, as the former NWA Women’s World Champion tangled with Hart. Hart started a clap with the crowd, allowing Rosa to take her down for a leg submission. Rosa’s experience was too much for Hart to overcome, but Hart did get some offence, including a lovely front cartwheel clothesline in the corner. Rosa hit the leglock once more, and a stiff dropkick in the corner, before getting the win with the Fire Thunder Driver.
Jon Moxley was backstage. Angered that he can’t get into Japan, Moxley called out Tanahashi for ducking him, before wondering what’s going to come through ‘The Forbidden Door’ next.
Main event time, as The Painmaker Chris Jericho took on Nick f’n Gage in a no rules match. MJF joined commentary for the match, popcorn in hand. Loud MDK chants as Gage went at Jericho with the pizza cutter, slicing open Jericho’s arm. Gage took Jericho down with a spinebuster, and a boot wash, before taking the fight outside. Back in ring, Gage hit a superplex and a falcon arrow for a two count, as duelling chants broke out. Jericho countered another boot wash into a Walls of Jericho, but Gage rolled out. Huge cheers as Gage pulled out a bunch of light tubes, but Gage ate Floyd the bat, as blood poured down Jericho’s face. Chokebreaker by Gage, before he unsheathed another pizza cutter, and sliced Jericho’s forehead up a treat. MJF was jubilant on commentary as the carnage continued, Gage slicing Jericho up on all four sides of the ring. Gage produced multiple chairs, and continued his attack on Le Champion, before ordering a ringside assistant to produce a pane of glass, propping it across two chairs like a table. Jericho leapt to his feet, and hit a top rope Frankensteiner onto Gage through the glass to a monster reaction. Jericho went for a Codebreaker, but Gage caught him and drove him into the shards, before smashing a light tube across The Demo God’s back, and another over his head. Stiff piledriver on the shards got a two, before Gage shanked Jericho’s forehead with a broken light tube. Gage produced two light tube bundles, but Jericho spat Green Mist, and smashed a bundle into Gage’s face, before getting the win with Judas Effect.
MJF hopped on the mic straight away, lambasting the crowd, before paraphrasing part of the pipebomb promo. MJF announced Labour number three - Jericho has to win with a top rope manoeuvre, as MJF cut to footage from a 2019 edition of Dynamite, where Jericho mentioned kicking Juventud Guerrera’s ass back in WCW. MJF announced that the juice will be loose, as Juventud Guerrera will take on Jericho next week.
Full results: • The Elite def, The Dark Order - Ten-man Elimination Tag for AEW World and Tag Title shots • FTR def. Santana & Ortiz • Lance Archer def. Hikuleo - IWGP US Heavyweight Championship • Christian Cage & The Jurassic Express def. The H.F.O. • Thunder Rosa def. Julia Hart • Chris Jericho def. Nick Gage - The Five Labours of Jericho No Rules Match