AEW: Dynamite Results - May 19 2021: Young Bucks vs. Varsity Blonds
Plus the return of NWA Women's Champion Serena Deeb to Dynamite
May 20, 2021
It’s Wednesday you know what that means. It’s also May 19, did anyone have tabs on Kane’s whereabouts?
AEW: Dynamite came, as ever, from Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, and we are less two weeks away from Double or Nothing on May 30.
Christian Cage came out to kick off the show, with the undefeated Captain Charisma taking on Matt Sydal. Both men will be in the Casino Battle Royale at Double Or Nothing, and this was essentially a game of one-upmanship by both competitors before the big match on May 30. The match started technically and cordial, but soon picked up in intensity, with Cage working aggressively against Sydal. The two went back and forth, barely pausing for breath as Cage proved once again that he can still go, with a Killswitch proving the difference maker for Christian.
Post-match, Cage and Sydal shook hands, as Taz shouted at both men from commentary. Ricky Starks came out with a mic and said he ain’t going to be out on the sidelines, distracting Cage and Sydal as Team Taz rushed the ring. Hook hit a gorgeous Taz like suplex on Sydal as Team Taz laid on a beatdown, before Hangman Page came out to even the score. Brian Cage hit a big powerbomb on Hangman as Team Taz stood tall.
We heard from The Varsity Blonds. Brian Pillman Jr. talked about his dad saying it was because of Flyin’ Brian that he stayed away from the business for so long. All he knew was ‘the dark side of the ring’ until he met The Young Bucks. Pillman and Griff Garrison talked about how The Bucks took them under their wings earlier in their careers, but are saddened to see what they’ve become. Pillman vowed that The Varsity Blonds would defeat The Bucks in the main event, and become the new Tag Team Champions.
Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston were backstage. The two dismissively talked about The Acclaimed, before getting into the semantics of The Young Bucks invitation to a ‘superkick party’. We then heard from The Acclaimed; Max Caster and Anthony Bowens were pissed off at being disrespected by Mox and Kingston, despite The Acclaimed being far higher in the tag rankings.
That match was next, with Mox and Kingston coming out to the Atsushi Onita version of Wild Thing. Max Caster came out with one of his trademark freestyles, getting a smile from Mox before being lewd about Renee. A stupid move, as Mox and Eddie rushed the two as the bell rang and established control. Mox and Eddie victimised The Acclaimed, until Caster managed to get a foothold in the match. The Acclaimed isolated Eddie and worked over his leg, until a hot tag to Mox who cleared house. Caster and Bowens wouldn’t stay down, but when they went for a boombox shot, Mox wrapped it around Bowens’ head and a double team wheelbarrow Paradigm Shift got the win for The Mad Kings.
Alex Marvez interrupted a conversation between Chris Jericho and Dean Malenko backstage, trying to get the scoop on The Stadium Stampede. Jericho said Marvez will have to wait until later tonight, and to leave before he makes The Man of 1000 Holds angry. Malenko said Jericho has four more than him, and WCW kids around the world smiled.
In-ring Tony Schiavone interviewed Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky. Sky said as a child he loved Sting, and he wanted to be just like him, but the passage of time happened - Sting is no longer what he once was, and Scorpio Sky is now a man. Sky warned Sting to step aside, or he’ll put him down. Page told Schiavone to leave as he would finish the interview. All Ego bragged about throwing Darby Allin down the stadium stairs the other week, and gave praise to Miro for winning the TNT Title. A fired-up Page said although he couldn’t take credit for the title loss, he did play a part, and he will take everything from Allin and be the nail in his coffin.
Sting came to the stage, as Darby rushed Page and Sky with his skateboard. Sting locked in the Scorpion Deathlock on Scorpio Sky as Darby stalked All Ego. Sky tapped, and the two retreated, but were cut off by The Dark Order. Sky and Page ran off through the crowd as the faces stood tall.
We caught up with a frustrated Pinnacle, who were sat down at dinner. MJF was seething as he sarcastically praised Jericho’s witty third grade humour. Dax Harwood said it isn’t fun to beat The Inner Circle every week, because they should be chasing titles and building a legacy. Shawn Spears took his frustrations out on a busboy, as Tully defused the situation. MJF signed off with The Pinnacle’s catchphrase.
Match three saw Hikaru Shida take-on Rebel in non-title action. Rebel feigned a knee injury, but Shida saw through it as the champ established control. Shida put a rubber glove on to mock Britt Baker, but Baker stopped the Lockjaw attempt by hoisting the AEW Women’s Title. With Shida distracted, Rebel nailed a crutch shot, but couldn’t put the champ away. Shida soon got the stretch muffler locked in and the quick tap-out victory. Post-match Baker attacked Shida, nailing a curb stomp onto the title, as The Dentist stood tall.
A clip aired - filmed last week - of Kenny Omega checking on Orange Cassidy in the trainer’s room. Omega spoke to OC as an EVP, saying they need him healthy to sell shirts and be the mascot of AEW. Don Callis presented OC with a document that would cancel his title shot at Double or Nothing, but he could have a match with Kenny later down the line. Cassidy slowly tore the contract in half, as Omega explained to Cassidy that the damage that Kenny will do to him with the One Winged Angel at Double or Nothing will be far more severe than the Ligerbomb PAC hit him with. Callis presented OC with a second copy of the document and told him to think it over.
The Inner Circle made their way to the ring to talk about the proposed Stadium Stampede match at Double or Nothing. Ortiz spoke first, saying that he wants a fight. Sammy Guevara agreed, and said this is never going to end as long as both teams work for AEW, and mocked them for floundering in the bubbly last week. Jake Hager said they are the baddest group in AEW, and said the last thing they want is to be cowards and ‘schoolgirl bitches’ like The Pinnacle. Jericho capped it off saying that MJF hurt Jericho badly, not just physically but mentally. A fired-up Jericho said MJF scared Jericho’s family and children when he threw him off the cage - was it worth it? Jericho says it was worth it, because it’s given Jericho the fire and inspiration to destroy MJF. The Inner Circle accepted the Stadium Stampede challenge, and flipped off the camera to end the segment.
Tony Schiavone was backstage with Jade Cargill once again. Smart Mark Sterling turned up and told Cargill he wants to work for Cargill, not the other way out. This is Team Jade, and Sterling wants to take it to the top. Cargill took the mic and told Sterling not to interrupt her, and she’ll think about his proposal.
Next up NWA Women’s World Champion Serena Deeb made her return to Dynamite, taking on Red Velvet in title action. Deeb started aggressively, throwing her t-shirt at Velvet, and physically nailing her with shots and a twisting neckbreaker. Velvet got some offence in, but couldn’t get a foothold in the match, Deeb working over Velvet’s legs and mocking her opponent. Velvet did have a few spells of offence, including a nice moonsault off of the apron, but couldn’t do enough to get the win. Deeb eventually hooked in the Serenity Lock in the middle of the ring, smashed Velvet’s knee into the canvas, and got the tap out win.
Alex Marvex spoke with PAC backstage, with The Bastard in a foul mood. PAC said he’s sick of being screwed over in AEW, but despite everything The Super Elite have pulled, he has his title match. PAC asked Marvez what fool bets against The Bastard.
Match five saw The Factory’s Anthony Ogogo take on Austin Gunn, who had Cody Rhodes in his corner. Gunn was quick out of the traps using his speed to keep Ogogo at bay, but soon ate a gut-punch from the Olympic medalist. Ogogo wiped blood away from his face, as a bleeding Gunn tried to get to his feet., with Ogogo popping Gunn up and hitting a knockout punch, getting the win via ref stoppage.
Post-match, Cody and Arn ran to Gunn’s aid. Ogogo threatened to spit on Old Glory, but referees ran in to stop any physical confrontations. Ogogo laughed as Apollo Cody was furious in the ring.
Marvez was backstage with SCU. Marvez asked Daniels what does the future hold for him - Fallen Angel ignored Marvez, instead shaking Frankie Kazarian’s hand, whispering something in his ear, and walking off. An emotional Kazarian said he will hunt down every member of The Super Elite for taking something massive away from him.
Sammy Guevara came out with his placards, saying what we already knew; Stadium Stampede II will be a war. A quick throwaway segment.
Next-up new TNT Champion Miro came to the ring. Miro gloated about his victory over Darby Allin, and said it doesn’t matter who you are in AEW, if you have something Miro wants you’re done. Miro said no-one is going to stop him, and he’ll put the belt on the line next week, and destroy whomever steps up. Lance Archer came out with a mic and an irate Jake Roberts. Archer said he’s been a beast in AEW longer than Miro has, and challenged Miro to a title match at Double or Nothing, and vowed to make Miro his ‘Bulgarian bitch’. Miro clapped back at Archer, saying he doesn’t have an old man to hold him back, and said there isn’t enough yoga in the world to save Jake Roberts’ life if he comes near Miro. Miro said everyone dies, and Archer will be first.
Main event time, with The Varsity Blonds taking on AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks. The Blonds had Julia Hart in heir corner, The Bucks were flanked by Don Callis. The Blonds started strongly, hitting some old school double team moves and quick tags to keep the champs at bay. The Bucks soon got into the match, mockingly attacking The Blonds all around the ring and using whatever underhand tactics they could think of to keep control of the bout. Pillman Jr. eventually got the hot tag to Griff Garrison who ran in like a house of fire, nailing the Bucks with a huge topé, but again the Jacksons regained control, peppering Pillman Jr. with stiff kicks, before Nick Jackson sprayed aerosol into Pillman’s face. Matt sprayed Julia Hart and nearly lost to a Pillman schoolboy, but turned things round with a Sharpshooter for the win.
Post-match, Mox and Kingston appeared in ring and brawled with The Bucks, the Jacksons getting put to sleep with stereo chokeholds. Kingston and Mox stole The Bucks’ Dior Jordans, as Tony Schiavone confirmed that the two teams will fight for the titles at Double or Nothing. We had a run down of the Double or Nothing card as AEW: Dynamite went off the air.
Full results: • Christian Cage def. Matt Sydal • Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston def. The Acclaimed • Hikaru Shida def. Rebel (not Reba) • Serena Deeb (c) def. Red Velvet - NWA Women’s World Title • Anthony Ogogo def. Austin Gunn • The Young Bucks (c) def. The Varsity Blonds - AEW World Tag Team Championship