
Beth Phoenix Discusses Her 'Slow Transition' From Wrestler To WWE Commentator

"I could have never imagined myself sitting for two hours to three hours of a show just talking."

Beth Phoenix has admitted her transition into becoming a commentator for NXT has been a slow process. 

Phoenix has been a full-time member of the NXT commentary team since May 2019, having undertaken the role on sporadic occasions for WWE since her induction into the Hall Of Fame in 2017. 

The former Women's champion did not cut many promos during her time in the ring and Phoenix says she did not feel confident in herself as a commentator when she started calling matches, growing into the role over the weeks and months. 

Speaking to Bully Ray on Busted Open Radio, Phoenix said: "First of all, every announcer that I have sat at the desk with has been a huge help to me. Just like in the ring, I feel like always learned something from everybody. 

"I relate a lot of what we do on commentary to wrestling, I see a lot of parallels, a lot of similarities. But, when I was a wrestler I was always kind of the do the talking with your fists kind of wrestler. I didn't do a lot of promos, I didn't do a lot of speaking and the times when I had to sit on commentary, I was a sweaty nervous mess. 

"I could have never imagined myself sitting for two hours to three hours of a show just talking. I didn't have that confidence in myself at all. So it was a really slow transition."

H/T SK Wrestling

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Mitch Waddon

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