Brian Pillman Jr. Unhappy With Julia Hart's Removal From Varsity Blonds
The Varsity Blonds might also be finished as a tag team
Sep 19, 2022
After a year as part of The Varsity Blonds, Julia Hart defected from the stable at Double Or Nothing 2022, joining The House of Black and helping them to defeat Death Triangle.
Brian Pillman Jr. wasn't happy about the change, though, he revealed on Cafe de Rene.
"I mean, it's pretty plain as day what happened, you know what I mean. As soon as we lost her, we kind of lost our edge and our spark that made us a good group, a babyface group that could have got over, you know. A lot of what we were going to do with some different spots with her had a lot to do with her cheerleading background and playing to her strengths. But somebody came in and decided that they would do better with their group and then that's just how it goes, you know. I definitely wasn't happy with it to be quite honest, but it is what it is. It's not my show. It's business but I thought maybe that's probably what really stopped us from really seeing the true potential The Varsity Blonds was we lost her before we even got going," Pillman began.
"Jacksonville and even in Texas when we first hit the road we were really a hot act, because we had her coming out and doing handsprings and stuff and she would do different cheerleading gimmicks with like the signs and then we did the spray tan thing with the Young Bucks. So she was a pretty integral part of our act. So you take that away, and then you just got a couple guys that you know. I just remember the first thing I got approved, my first big pitch was having her join us. I got that approved. It's a great feeling when you pitch a creative idea and it's greenlit, you know what I mean? Like the bosses are in, and they're happy with it. So to sort of have that sort of taken apart was kind of rough for me at that point in my career. But I'm very happy with how it turned out. I'm really happy with the moment that she had at the pay-per-view. Very happy with just being in AEW in general."
Pillman's interview has also prompted speculation about the future of The Varsity Blonds as he repeatedly referred to the tag team in the past tense, suggesting he is done teaming with Griff Garrison. The tag team has been sparingly used on AEW TV in recent months and they expressed their frustration in August after a 31-second loss to The Gunn Club on Dynamite.
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