
Carlito Finished With WWE

Mr. Caribbean Cool’s latest run was a short-term deal

One of the highlights of this year’s Royal Rumble was the return of Carlito after an 11 year absence from WWE.

The former Intercontinental Champion looked better than ever, and also appeared on WWE Raw the following night in a winning effort, leading fans to believe Carlito was back in WWE full-time. However, it was simply a short-term deal, as Carlito himself confirmed on Whatta Day with Joe Lowry.

When talking about what his plans are going forward, Carlito said the following:

“Man, who knows? As of now, I’m open to whatever kind of idea is out there. Yeah, right now, I’m on my own. If a great opportunity comes to go back to WWE … [feed has technical issues] I’m open to whatever comes my way.”

Carlito was also  pressed on whether he’d sign with AEW, again confirming he was open to ideas:

“Whatever great idea is out there, I’m willing to listen and see if I fit in there somehow.”

Credit: Joe “Whattaday!”
H/T: 411mania.com for the transcription

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.