
Cassie Lee: I Feel Like It's My Fault WWE Split The IIconics Up

The IIconics were separated in WWE last year

The former Peyton Royce has admitted she feels like it's her fault WWE decided to break the IIconics up, revealing her desire to eventually have a singles run led to the split.

Royce, now going as Cassie Lee, was released by WWE in April of this year along with her former tag-team partner Billie Kay - now known as Jessie McKay. As the IIconics, the duo had won the WWE Women's Tag Team Titles, but were separated as a team in late 2020.

The decision to split the two up was widely panned by fans, especially with WWE creative seeming to have nothing for them as singles competitors.

Lee says she feels like she is to blame for the whole situation, having told McKay about wanting to work as a singles superstar at some point during her career and expressing that desire to WWE Chairman Vince McMahon as well.

Speaking to Chris Van Vliet, Lee revealed: "I don't know if I've actually told anyone this. I hope Jess isn't upset with me saying this. I wanted to go singles.

"There were things that I wanted to tick off my bucket list as a singles competitor. I vocalized that to Jess in January of last year. I didn't do anything about it. I didn't go and try to get us broken up or anything. 

"This was in the PC era and Jess was out for a week and I had this random singles match, I don't even remember who is was against, and Vince loved it. He said to me, 'you're so good. What are we doing?' I said, 'If it's possible in the future plans, I'm not saying right now, but in the future, I would like to see what I can do on my own.' I'm so comfortable with Jess, I feel like we can conquer the world together, but I wanted to see what I could do for myself.

"So many people were like, 'It was so stupid for them to break you up. Why did they break you up? You were so good together.' I was like, I feel like it's my fault because I wanted to push myself and see what I was capable of. Then, I don't know, that might have been the worst decision I ever made because nothing ever happened."

H/T Fightful

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Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com