
WWE Hulk Hogan.jpg

Quiz: Name Hulk Hogan's WWE Pay-Per-View Opponents

67 names, a generous ten minute time-limit. Let us know how you do!

Mitch Waddon smiling

Apr 21, 2021

WWE Intercontinental Title belt.jpg

Quiz: Name Every WWE Intercontinental Champion

Name every wrestler to hold the WWE Intercontinental Title

Mitch Waddon smiling

Apr 16, 2021

WWE Intercontinental Title belt.jpg

QUIZ: Name Every WWE Intercontinental Champion

Can you name every WWE Intercontinental Champion?

Aidan Gibbons smiling in front of a green screen in an Adidas hoodie

Apr 16, 2021

Quiz: Name Every ECW World Heavyweight Champion

Just five minutes to get 39 answers. Let us know how you get on!

Mitch Waddon smiling

Apr 13, 2021


Quiz: WWE WrestleMania Main Events

83 answers, five minutes. You can get all of them, right?

Mitch Waddon smiling

Apr 9, 2021

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Quiz: Name Every World Heavyweight Champion in WWE

Six minutes to remember all 54 reigns...

Mitch Waddon smiling

Apr 8, 2021

wrestlemania 35 fireworks

Quiz: Name Every Participant At WWE WrestleMania 35

58 names, eight minutes. How many can you remember?

Mitch Waddon smiling

Apr 7, 2021

Daniel Bryan- WWE WrestleMania 30.jpg

Quiz: Name Every Participant At WWE WrestleMania 30

84 names, eight minutes. How many can you get?

Mitch Waddon smiling

Apr 6, 2021

WWE WrestleMania 33.jpg

Quiz: Name The WWE Superstars To Compete At Five Or More Consecutive WrestleManias

36 outings, five minutes. How well can you do?

Mitch Waddon smiling

Apr 2, 2021

Hulk Hogan WCW World Heavyweight Title.jpg

QUIZ: Every WCW World Heavyweight Champion

Name every WCW World Heavyweight Champion

Mitch Waddon smiling

Mar 26, 2021

WWE WrestleMania 36 Drew McIntyre.png

Quiz: Name Every WWE WrestleMania World Title Match Participant

Six minutes, 114 match participants. Let us know how you get on!

Mitch Waddon smiling

Mar 19, 2021

WWE Hurt Business RAW Tag Team Champions December 2020.jpg

Quiz: Name Every WWE Tag Team Champion Since 2002

How many can you remember?

Mitch Waddon smiling

Mar 12, 2021


Quiz: Name Every Championship-Winning Wrestler At WWE WrestleMania

102 title switches and just eight minutes to get them all...

Mitch Waddon smiling

Feb 26, 2021

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Quiz: Name Every WWE Elimination Chamber Participant

Every WWE Elimination Chamber match ever!

Mitch Waddon smiling

Feb 19, 2021