
'Completely Rebuilt' WWE 2K22 Game Reportedly 'Looking Fantastic'

Positive signs for video game fans

Major improvements to gameplay appear to be on the way in WWE 2K22. 

The WWE video game series will return later this year following a one-year break with the tagline, 'It Hits Different', and fans will be hoping the game is very different from WWE 2K20, which received terrible reviews. 

When announcing WWE 2K22, 2K Global Communications Manager Al Stavola claimed the new title would be "completely different" to past releases and positive signs have emerged in recent days. 

Forbes writer Brian Mazique discussed WWE 2K22 on his YouTube channel and he noted the gameplay engine has been "completely rebuilt" and gameplay is said to be "fantastic."

"I have actually spoken with people who have good knowledge of the game and understand what's happening from a developmental standpoint, and what I'm told about gameplay at this point is that it is fantastic. That is actually the word that was used for the latest build. The people who were playing the latest build have said the gameplay is fantastic," Mazique stated.

"Anybody who is talking about gameplay at this point is probably somewhat close to 2K, so you've got to take it with a grain of salt, but I have been told that the game is playing fantastic and that the gameplay engine is completely rebuilt," he continued.

The new title's controls have also reportedly been revamped, as Mazique added: "I also heard that the controls are much cleaner than they have been before. Now, what cleaner means, I don't know, but the last thing that I heard about this... is that this feels like a wrestling fan's wrestling game."

2K Sports announced WWE 2K22 during WrestleMania 37. No official release date for the title has been announced as of yet, only that the game is "coming soon."

H/T to VideoGamesChronicle

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons