
Daniel Bryan: Why WWE Should Let Its Superstars Wrestle Elsewhere

Bryan has been open about his desire to wrestle elsewhere

Daniel Bryan is eager for WWE to allow its talent to wrestle around the world, so it can learn how to perform in different situation and, ultimately, become better in the ring. 

Bryan has spoken openly about his desire to wrestle outside of WWE while still being contracted to the company, and the 39-year-old believes it would be a huge benefit to the talent and the company itself. 

Speaking to My Mom's Basement, he said: "I’ve brought it up to a lot of people and now is more than ever is a time when people are open to new ideas. I think I have made some headway whether any of it actually happens, who knows?

"I also think it would just be good for WWE and just wrestling in general. For people that are in the developmental system right now, for them to be able to go and learn in other places. I wouldn’t be the performer I am today if I hadn’t wrestled in Japan and not just like Japan where it’s like sports stuff but also like Butlins in the UK where it’s all comedy."

Specifically talking about two Smackdown talent he has worked closely with in previous weeks - Cesaro and Otis - Bryan does not believe many people fully appreciate just how good they are because of the presentation and sports entertainment nature of WWE. 

He added: "I don’t think people truly understand how great a lot of the WWE Superstars are because we don’t necessarily put on a pure wrestling product. We put on a sports entertainment product.

"If all of a sudden you saw Cesaro in New Japan for example like people would be like, ‘oh my god, this guy is the greatest!' I think you put Otis in New Japan and people would be like ‘Holy cow! This guy is amazing!’ Like Vader from the 90s type of vibe. People think of him as the worm guy but it’s just a different presentation."

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com