EXCLUSIVE: Zicky Dice Details Aftermath Of Fan Incident At Outlandish Paradise

Zicky Dice on the fan incident at Outlandish Paradise

Aidan Gibbons smiling in front of a green screen in an Adidas hoodie

May 31, 2023

Fan incident Zicky Dice Outlandish Paradise.jpg

A serious incident occurred during a Zicky Dice's Outlandish Paradise event on Friday, May 26 at MomoCon when a fan dressed in a Spider-Man costume attacked Dillon McQueen and proceeded to slam Dani Jordyn inside the ring following a match between the two talents and Brooke Havok. After the slam on Jordyn, security entered the ring and escorted the fan backstage.

Footage of the incident has circulated on social media in recent days and Zicky Dice, the organiser of the Outlandish Paradise shows at MomoCon, detailed what happened and how the incident was handled during an exclusive chat with Cultaholic Wrestling's Tom Campbell.

It was relatively easy for the fan to get in the ring which drew criticism from some sectors, who questioned the inaction from security and the lack of barricades.

Dice addressed running the show without barricades, saying: "I see a lot of comments about where were the barricades or where was the security. Me personally, I like the close, intimate setting. There's a lot of shows that I work at where there are no barricades. Matter of fact, I would love to not have chairs, I would love to have people surrounding the ring and people give us the space that we need."

Dice then revealed the fan was preparing to enter the ring earlier in the show following a kayfabe open challenge for a 'fan' to face a wrestler and win $5000. After the Three-Way main event, the fan ultimately did leave his seat.

"Keep in mind, we are an attraction to MomoCon who almost cancelled wrestling at this convention as a whole. I see him get up on the ropes and you have 1000 people chanting 'Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man.' Let me tell you something, when I get 50 people chanting 'Zicky Dice', when I get 100 people chanting 'Zicky Dice', 1000 people chanting 'Zicky Dice', that's the drug that we chase. Now, I saw in this young man's eyes, I was able to identify there was a disability. I spent 13 years in the field working with adults with disabilities, I spent three years working in special ed in a high school and if I wasn't doing this full-time, that's where I would be working," Dice said.

"I'm grateful and I'm thankful this happened at Zicky Dice's Outlandish Paradise and here's why. It was innocent until it wasn't. You have the fans chanting 'Spider-Man, Spider-Man', you see it in this young man's eyes, you see he's living his moment and that's all this was. We didn't want to take away from the moment that Dani Jordyn, Brooke Havok, and Dillon McQueen created and it wasn't the time. Was I upset? You bet your bottom dollar. My plan was Dani raise his hand, turn to the left, raise his hand, you can see Dani Jordyn trying to escort the gentleman outside the ring multiple times. Keep in mind, there's over 50,000 people there. We had security by the post up front, security by the other post and they couldn't really see what was going on in the ring," he continued.

"Dillon didn't call for security as he felt it wasn't needed. He continued to stay on the sell because I feel they were protecting the business, they were protecting the moment that just happened and I applaud them for being professional in that moment. They were just keeping the moment alive."

Dice was thankful no one was hurt after the fan hit a slam on Dani Jordyn, at which point Dice deemed the situation to be a serious one. This prompted security to hit the ring and Dice escorted the fan backstage.

"He throws himself on the ground and I look in his eyes and he is crying and he is terrified. He is begging for forgiveness, he is saying how sorry he is and I realised this man has an intellectual disability. So we bring him to the back, everyone is surrounding him, I have everyone separate themselves from him and I tell him to get up off the floor, and we talk to this gentleman about his behaviour and how wrong that was. We had to explain to him the size difference between him and Dani, we had to explain to him that we are trained professionals, we had to explain to him that what he did was not okay and that took a little while to do. He thought, and what he said to myself, the security at MomoCon, and the police at MomoCon was that he thought this was his audition. That's what he believed in his head," Dice added.

McQueen and Jordyn decided not to press charges and the fan ended up being kicked out of MomoCon for the weekend. Dice noted he almost allowed the fan to stay after he ended up crying and begging for forgiveness but Dice decided there had to be consequences for that behaviour. The IMPACT talent repeatedly stated how proud he was of McQueen and Jordyn for not attacking the fan because he believes the situation could have been a whole lot worse.

There were several other Outlandish Paradise shows at MoMoCon over the rest of the weekend. Additional security was at ringside and announcements were made to inform fans they shouldn't touch the wrestlers or enter the ring. Dice said that MomoCon wants to bring them back next year.

To stop the incident from happening again, Dice plans to bring in his own security in future. He doesn't plan to introduce barricades, though, but there will be announcements. He hopes to have "a little bit better judgement" next time too.


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