
Executive Fired By WWE

WWE fires an executive

WWE fired an executive earlier this week, with PWInsider reporting that Vice President of Talent Relations Operations Kristen Altman was let go on Monday, August 5. 

Altman has been with WWE since 2008, beginning as a receptionist at Titan Towers before she received promotion after promotion, becoming the Vice President of Talent Relations Operations in August 2022. 

Altman's role saw her manage WWE's Talent Wellness Program, and assist with administration around signing new wrestlers, including background searches, a medical, and assisting with relocation. She also helped organise WWE tryouts and book extras for WWE TV. 

Altman is just the latest WWE executive to exit the company since the completion of the WWE-UFC merger under TKO in September 2023. A number of departments have since been combined and top names to leave over the past several months include Kevin Dunn, Michael Levin, and Steve Rubin. 

Vince McMahon also resigned as TKO Executive Chairman in disgrace following the filing of a sex trafficking and sexual misconduct lawsuit by Janel Grant. 

Another WWE executive in Chris Legentil, meanwhile, received a promotion earlier this year. In addition to his position as WWE Head of Communications, Legentil is the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations.

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons