
Kurt Angle: Jeff Hardy Needs To Look Himself In The Mirror

Hardy was released by WWE earlier this month

Kurt Angle believes Jeff Hardy needs to 'look himself in the mirror' and determine what is truly important to him in his life. 

Hardy was released by WWE earlier this month amid concerns over the Charismatic Enigma's well-being, after Hardy was seen acting in concerning manner at a WWE Live Event. 

Hardy has spoken publicly about his battles with addiction in the past and Angle, a WWE Hall Of Famer, knows what Jeff is going through, having gone through similar struggles.

Speaking on the most recent episode of the Kurt Angle Show, he said: "I’ve been through it, I think Jeff needs to look himself in the mirror and see what he wants to do. Does he want to change or does he want to stay the same?

"I personally think he does need help but that’s something that he needs to deal with inside himself. He needs to realize what’s important in his life, is it the stuff or is it his family and his job? It really comes down to Jeff making the decision on his own."

H/T Wrestling Inc.

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com