Matt Hardy Is 'Broken' Once Again
Overt references were made to Matt's 'Broken' gimmick for the first time in WWE.

Nov 28, 2017
On tonight's Raw, Matt Hardy appeared to revive the 'Broken' gimmick that gained tremendous popularity during his most recent Impact Wrestling run.
After losing a singles match to Bray Wyatt, Hardy appeared to have a breakdown in the ring, explicitly making his signature hand gesture while yelling 'Delete!'. On commentary, Michael Cole openly referenced his change in attitude - a huge step considering WWE's prior reluctance to acknowledge Matt's 'Broken' characteristics too much.
Since returning to WWE, Matt has sometimes allowed parts of his previous gimmick to shine through, but until tonight had never lapsed fully into the persona that revitalised his career.
After the segment, Hardy took to Twitter, sharing a video of the incident and all but confirming the return of his 'Broken' self.
'Broken' Matt Hardy came about in 2016, where an apparent blow to the head completely transformed the wrestler's persona. It soon led to the landmark 'Final Deletion' bout with brother Jeff, who was rechristened 'Brother Nero' in defeat. Matt's wife and infant son became part of the storyline too, which quickly gained immense popularity.
In early 2017, the Hardys departed from Impact Wrestling, and a legal battle over ownership of the gimmick ensued - with Matt continuing as before in promotions such as Ring of Honor. However, since he and Jeff returned to WWE at WrestleMania 33, it has been toned down noticeably. This conflict could possibly have come to an end, if WWE's apparent embracing of the 'Broken' persona is anything to go by.
Since returning, Matt and Jeff have largely competed as a duo, winning the Raw Tag Team Championship on their first night back. However, with his younger brother currently sidelined due to injury, WWE may well have decided to seize the chance to give Matt a singles push under his 'Broken' gimmick.
It is unclear whether the legal conflict has indeed come to and end, or whether WWE have simply found a way around the issue, but regardless, this development should prove very popular with many fans.