
Natalya Details Invite-Only Training Sessions With Sasha Banks

"Our goal was to wrestle for one hour straight. We'd turn the timer on and built up from 45-minutes."

Natalya has praised Sasha Banks' passion for wrestling, revealing the two would train together weekly at the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

With coronavirus putting a halt to WWE's travel schedule and live shows, Natalya and husband TJ Wilson got a hold of a wrestling ring and set it up in a warehouse, so that they could continue to train when not filming for WWE television. 

Natalya says access to the ring is invite only, with Banks one of the few names allowed to come down because of her passion and determination to get even better. 

Speaking on Ryan Satin's 'Out Of Character' Podcast, she said: "We always had a dream of opening our own wrestling school because we love teaching and being around the industry. During the pandemic, we didn't have live events. We found a way to get a ring and we got a warehouse. There is so much passion in that building. 

"Sasha Banks would drive two hours to come train with me on Monday nights. We would set a timer. When I speak about passion, Sasha has to be recognized. For no reason, even when she didn't have a match at WrestleMania, this is way before that, once TJ and I got our ring, she would drive a couple hours, get in the ring, and our goal was to wrestle for one hour straight. We'd turn the timer on and built up from 45-minutes. Imagine a 45-minute women's match, we did it non-stop, no break.

"She has so much passion, but without a ring, it's hard to find resources. It is by invite only because I want to be with people who share the same passion as me. I want to train and learn from them. Tamina has been coming in there. Everyone has seen the changes in Lana, she'll come in, fly in from LA, and just train."

H/T Fightful

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com