
Nick Aldis Would Like To See Rusev Wrestle In The NWA

Even for just a short time...

Back on April 15, WWE released 36 Superstars including Rusev. The former United States Champion had been in a contract dispute with WWE for much of 2020 and the company was open to releasing Superstars who had previously complained or asked to be released. 

Rusev has remained quiet about where he plans to go next but Nick Aldis is keen for him to join the National Wrestling Alliance as during a recent interview with POST Wrestling, the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion said he would love to see the former Bulgarian Brute wrestle on Powerrr, even for just a short period. 

The National Treasure said: "Sometimes the obvious thing is right in front of you. I felt like with Rusev it was there. Like okay, this guy, totally unique look, he's a horse, unbelievable athlete, he can work, charisma, whole thing is ready to go. I dare say that he would be… If I were AEW and I had the resources to pay for it, I think he would probably be [at the] top of my list. I think he would probably end back up at WWE, but I'm not sure how confident I'll be that he'll be on the open market for very long, but hell yeah. If we could get him at the NWA, even for a short period run, it would be huge."


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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons