Punk Confirms What 'CM' Stands For During Dr Chris Amann Trial
After years of speculation we finally have a definitive answer!

Jun 2, 2018
After years of speculation, we finally have a definitive answer as to what the 'CM' in CM Punk stands for.
Over the years, the former WWE Champion has teased fans by coming up with a number of monikers the initials could stand for. "Cookie Monster", "Cookie Master", "Crooked Moonsault", "Chuck Mosley", "Charles Montgomery", "Charles Manson" and "Chicago Made" have all been put forward by Punk, but finally, per City Hall reporter for the Chicago Tribune, Gregory Pratt, we now know it stands for
Chick Magnet
- after all, the answer was given under oath, so it has to be legit this time.
There are numerous people reading this article who will have known this information already. During his backyard wrestling days, it was made abundantly clear that 'CM' stood for Chick Magnet, as he was part of a tag team that went by that name. Punk was joined in the Chick Magnets by CM Venom, with the pair seemingly basing their names on ECW's Pitbulls (Pitbull #1 & Pitbull #2) and the like. The team turned out for Punk's Lunatic Wrestling Federation - the promotion that famously saw the Straight Edge Superstar become estranged from his brother after Punk found out he'd embezzled thousands of dollars from the company.
After the Chick Magnets disbanded, Punk made the 'CM' part of his name a pseudo-acronym, claiming it stood for nothing. Then, in various interviews, that's where the aforementioned Cookie Masters, Crooked Moonsaults, and Chuck Mosleys of the world came out to play.
Day four of the trail came to a close not so long ago, with the Chicago Tribune's Pratt tweeting there's a "good chance the trial ends Monday/Tuesday."