QUIZ: Every NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion

Can you name every NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion?

Welcome to the ultimate test of wrestling knowledge! Do you think you know the storied history of the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship inside and out? It's time to prove your wrestling acumen as we dive deep into the annals of professional wrestling to explore the illustrious lineage of the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship. 

From the legends who held this prestigious title to the epic battles fought in its honour, this quiz will challenge even the most dedicated wrestling aficionados. Strap in, because it's time to step into the squared circle and test your knowledge of every NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion!

Note: The quiz is missing the current champion, EC3. 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons