Report: Travis Scott Injured Cody Rhodes At WWE Elimination Chamber

Cody Rhodes injured by Travis Scott at WWE Elimination Chamber

Aidan Gibbons smiling in front of a green screen in an Adidas hoodie

Mar 4, 2025

Travis Scott dragging Cody Rhodes while John Cena holds Rhodes down at WWE Elimination Chamber

Cody Rhodes is dealing with multiple injuries following WWE Elimination Chamber and they were reportedly caused by Travis Scott. Speaking on Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer reported that Cody Rhodes is suffering from a busted eardrum and has a black eye.

"Cody got hurt…I'm pretty sure it was Travis Scott that did it…I heard he had a busted eardrum and a black eye," Meltzer said. 

Travis Scott was involved in the post-main event angle at Elimination Chamber which saw John Cena side with The Rock and become a heel for the first time since 2003. John Cena low-blowed Cody to turn heel and the 16-time world champion proceeded to punch Cody with his own watch before he hit him across the head multiple times with the Undisputed WWE Title belt.

Travis Scott spent much of the segment vaping but he eventually became involved in the beatdown of Rhodes, with a clip on social media showing Scott absolutely walloping Cody with a slap to the ear. Scott and Cena then held Rhodes down while The Rock whipped him with a belt.

Cody Rhodes will address Cena's heel turn on Friday Night SmackDown. The Undisputed WWE Champion may also eventually have the chance to exact revenge on Travis Scott as the rapper has been training inside the squared circle and WWE have held discussions about booking Scott for future matches.

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