Roman Reigns Approved Of Dean Ambrose's Heel Turn The Night Of Leukemia Announcement
"The Big Dog" was on board...

Mar 10, 2019
Roman Reigns took time out to
talk with Yahoo Sportson the eve of Sunday night's Fastlane pay-per-view, an event in which he will team with Shield partners and real life best friends Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose.
Discussion shifted to Ambrose's sudden heel turn on Seth Rollins, which occurred the same night last October that Reigns announced his recurrence of leukemia to the world. Some felt the angle was perfect, as it was genuinely shocking, while others criticized the timing, feeling that night wasn't the time or place.
Reigns weighed in on the matter, saying, “For me, as Joe, it was hard to tell, but as Roman, I just thought ‘next man up’ like in any professional sport or form of entertainment, the show must go on. I felt comfortable with that fact that we need to continue to entertain our fans, push these storylines and our product.
"As long as I was on board with it, it wasn’t going to be tasteless. I think it came off great, it had such a huge impact that night.”