
Steve Austin Reveals How The 'What' Catchphrase Was Invented

One of the most popular WWE catchphrases ever!

'Stone Cold' Steve Austin has revealed a daft voicemail he left for Christian during their time together in WWE led to the creation of the 'What' catchphrase. 

'What' has become one of WWE's most over - and sometimes most annoying - chants since Austin first started using the single-word saying in WWE, and the Rattlesnake has now disclosed the story of how it first became a thing. 

On the most recent episode of Steve Austin's Broken Skull Sessions, Austin and his guest Randy Orton were discussing Christian. The WWE Hall Of Famer revealed he made a phone-call to the now AEW star, which went to voicemail, leading to Austin acting a bit silly on the phone. 

He said: "People always ask me how I came up with the 'What' thing. I called up Christian on his cell phone, of course he didn't answer because it was me calling. So I left him this long-winded message where I'd say something stupid and I go, 'What'. 

"I kind of keep going, 'What', and keep going. By the time I hung up the phone - I left like a two-minute message - and I was working heel at that time, I was like, 'I think I got something here.' That's how the 'What' was invented."

H/T SK Wrestling

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com