Tammy Sytch Suffering From 'Pretty Bad' Blood Clot, Worried She'll Die In Prison
Tammy Sytch fearful she'll die in prison due to blood clot
May 16, 2024
Tammy Sytch (FKA Sunny) is currently suffering from a "pretty bad" blood clot while she remains incarcerated for her role in a fatal car crash.
Following her relocation to Lowell Correctional Institution in Marion County, Florida, Sytch told TMZ that she experienced severe swelling in her leg but she failed to receive medical attention for weeks while her leg looked like "somebody put a bicycle tyre pump on it and just inflated it twice the size."
The situation left Sytch struggling to walk and she developed a "huge red lump" under her calf. After days of complaining, Sytch was diagnosed with a blood clot and provided with blood thinners for treatment.
Taking the medication has been a chore, Sytch noted, and she is afraid of dying while in prison from the blood clot, claiming if the situation does not improve she will insist on treatment at an off-site hospital.
"All that's been going through my mind for the past three weeks is, 'Oh, my God, I'm going to follow in [my ex-husband's] footsteps and die of a blood clot just like he did because I can't get medical treatment at this prison,'" Sytch told TMZ.
Sytch is currently in prison serving a 17-year sentence on DUI and manslaughter-related charges over a car crash in March 2022 that resulted in the death of 75-year-old Julian Lasseter. Sytch's blood alcohol level was three-and-a-half times above the legal limit and an open bottle of vodka was found in her car at the scene.