The Exalted One To Be Revealed On Next Week's Episode Of AEW: Dynamite

The higher power cometh...

In the past few months, Dark Order have pledged allegiance to The Exalted One, an unknown powerful figure who will lead lost souls back to glory. The hooded figure has yet to be seen on All Elite Wrestling TV, but we have witnessed both Evil Uno and Stu Grayson talking to him/her. 

Fans won't have to wait much longer to find out who is behind the hood as last night, AEW announced The Exalted One will reveal himself on next week's episode of Dynamite in Rochester, New York. 

Speculation has pointed to Matt Hardy being the leader of Dark Order for some time. While in WWE, The Broken One repeatedly expressed his frustration with how he was being booked and hinted that he was going to jump ship to the young promotion. The Young Bucks even appeared on the last two episodes of FREE THE DELETE, in which they buried Matthew Hardy and Zenith. 

Another name being touted, however, is Brodie Lee, as next week's episode will be broadcast from his hometown and it has long been rumoured that he will make his AEW debut on the show. 

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AEW Talent "Under No Pressure" To Attend Next Week's Episode Of Dynamite

Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Twitter: @theaidangibbons