Tommaso Ciampa: As A WWE Performer, You're A Cog In A Wheel
The NXT superstar knows how the machine operates
Jul 1, 2021
NXT’s Tommaso Ciampa has been a cornerstone of the Black and Gold brand for the best part of six years now, and whilst operating under the WWE umbrella, has become accustomed to how the machine works.
Speaking to Denise Salcedo, Ciampa put his role in WWE into perspective, saying:
“For me as a performer, you’re kinda just a cog in the wheel. It’s just a matter of being adaptable and taking any opportunity that you can get and just running with it and making the most of it. It’s so different how this works in stages as you grow as a performer and mature too as an individual. Because it’s this big wheel and it just keeps spinning and you’re not always gonna be on top of that wheel and you just have to be able to make the most of it wherever you end up being.
“You look at a roster like ours or even take RAW and Smackdown, anybody for example, there’s so much talent right now in wrestling more so than I think probably ever. When you just take all of it together it’s an insane amount of talent and there’s only you know a certain amount of hours a week of television. Whether that’s NXT, or RAW or Smackdown or whatever and you just have to understand that. You can get 10 minutes, 20 minutes or last Takeover, I think I got 60 seconds in a promo, you just make the most of it and you just try to make sure that you’re always proud of what you’ve presented.
“I’ll use a person like Randy Orton for example. Randy Orton has moments where he’s the guy everyone is talking about. He’s the greatest villain in the world and then he has other moments where he’s gonna be tagging with RKBro and it’s still great because it’s Randy Orton. But he’s not the greatest villain in the world until he is again. It’s a wheel.”
H/T: Fightful