NJPW Reportedly Won't Allow Their Talent To Work For IMPACT Wrestling

Sounds like a messy situation involving the likes of NJPW, IMPACT, ROH, and MLW...

New Japan Pro Wrestling is stopping their talent working for IMPACT, even though IMPACT Co-Executive Vice President Don Callis works for NJPW as the English speaking play-by-play commentator.

The news is being reported by Dave Meltzer in this week's Wrestling Observer Newsletter and sounds terribly confusing. To avoid any doubt whatsoever, here's the full quote from this week's Newsletter:

"Obviously both AEW and ROH will want a business relationship with New Japan. Everyone in U.S. independent wrestling, including Impact and MLW would like that relationship for obvious reasons. New Japan has blocked its talent from working for Impact, even though Don Callis is an announcer for New Japan, because of the ROH relationship. They have not blocked people from working for MLW. New Japan could work with both AEW and ROH. The ball really is in their court. The key talent involved want to continue with New Japan. ROH losing the New Japan relationship to AEW would be a huge blow, but that won’t happen now, because they’ve got a sold out Madison Square Garden joint promotion on 4/6. But in 2019, depending if AEW can get off the ground, a lot could change."

So it sounds like NJPW is loyal to ROH, which could potentially have a knock-on effect if AEW wants to start booking New Japan talent when they launch?

But since NJPW haven't blocked talent from working for MLW, does that mean if AEW wanted somebody from New Japan they could get them?

Does NJPW just have something against IMPACT?

Is the presence of AEW going to end the working relationship between NJPW and ROH?

There are so many questions! We'll have to see how this one develops...

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Ross Tweddell

Written by Ross Tweddell

Written and video journalist for Cultaholic Wrestling | twitter: @rossonrasslin | instagram: @rossonrasslin