Triple H Calls Batista The 'MVP' Of Evolution
In other news, Batista's production company has signed a deal with WME
Dec 20, 2024
Paul "Triple H" Levesque has singled out Batista as being the 'real MVP' of the dominant Evolution faction, which also featured Ric Flair and Randy Orton.
Formed in 2003, at one point Evolution's members held the World Heavyweight, Intercontinental and World Tag Team titles. Within two years of the group's formation, both Orton and Batista would bag their first world titles.
Discussing the stable during a recent appearance on The Roommates Show, Levesque said:
"The MVP in Evolution is Batista. Ric was established. I was established. Randy was established coming out of the group, but as we were forming the group, and Ric and I are the ones that put that together, solely. We were the ones that picked Randy and Dave. A lot of people had kind of written Dave off as 'he's never going to make it'. Ric and I were adamant about putting him in the group. As we started to do the group, everybody kept saying, 'Randy is the breakout'. I kept saying, 'You guys are wrong. It's going to be Dave'. He was a sponge. He got it. You might not have known it at that time, but the level he put into it and how hard he worked, for me, he was the MVP".
Earlier this year, The Animal spoke about the career-changing advice he received from The Game during his WWE days.
H/T Fightful