
WWE NXT TakeOver: In Your House Live Results

Will Velveteen Accomplish His Dream...

Welcome to Cultaholic Wrestling's live results for NXT TakeOver: In Your House and join us throughout the night as we provide updates from Full Sail University and a backlot in Winter Park, Florida. 

Six matches have been added to the card and the action will begin at 11:30 pm BST with the Pre-Show. The main card will then follow at midnight. 

A signed copy of WWF In Your House is also on the line and Sam Driver, Jack King, Tom Campbell, and Adam Pacitti gave their predictions for NXT TakeOver: In Your House earlier. Check out the video below: 

Mia Yim, Tegan Nox & Shotzi Blackheart def. Candice LeRae, Dakota Kai & Raquel Gonzalez 

Todd Pettengill introduced everybody to NXT TakeOver: In Your House. Fans were then greeted by a live performance of Underneath by Code Orange.

Raquel Gonzalez and Mia Yim started out the matchup. They had a quick exchange of moves before each tagged in Tegan Nox and Dakota Kai. The two former best friends exchanged near falls before Nox tagged in Shotzi Blackheart and Kai tagged in Candice LeRae. 

The action spilled to the ringside area as Blackheart, Yim, LeRae, and Nox each took turns doing dives to the outside. Blackheart and The Poison Pixie re-entered the squared circle and the heels separated The Ballsy Badass from her corner and took turns wearing her down. 

Blackheart eventually made the hot tag to Yim and she and LeRae fought back and forth as Yim connected with a Snapdragon Suplex but LeRae countered with a German Suplex.

LeRae then tagged in Kai while Yim tagged in Nox. Yim and LeRae then fought to the back, which allowed Lady Kane to hit a Chokeslam on Kai, while Blackheart connected with the Salida Del Sol on Gonzalez.

Nox then hit her former best friend with The Shiniest Wizard for the 1-2-3.

Finn Balor def. Damian Priest

The Prince wasted no time as he immediately hit Priest a Running Shotgun Dropkick. The two Superstars then battled on the outside which worked to Damian Priest's advantage as he hit a Sidewalk Slam from the steel steps to the ring apron. 

The action entered the squared circle once again and The Archer Of Infamy dominated his opponent, wearing down Balor's left shoulder with submissions. Balor eventually fought back and hit Priest with strikes and chops before landing a Dropkick through the ropes. This hardly affected Priest, however, as he re-entered the ring and hit Finn with The Broken Arrow, only for Balor to counter with the Double Foot Stomp. 

The two Superstars then exchanged strikes in the centre of the ring and shared momentum until Priest hit Razor's Edge on the ring apron, but Balor kicked out at two. The Archer Of Infamy then landed two Running Elbows in the corner before Balor countered with a Sling Blade. Priest then issued his own counter as he landed two Spinning Heel Kicks, only for Balor to fight back and land another Running Shotgun Dropkick.

As Balor climbed to hit Coup De Grace, Priest caught him, and connected with a Side Effect from the top rope, but Finn again kicked out at two. Priest then went for Razor's Edge to the outside, but Balor escaped and sent The Archer Of Infamy crashing onto the steel steps.

The Demon then stalked his prey and as soon as Priest re-entered the ring, Balor connected with Coup De Grace to his opponent's back. With Damian prone, The Prince hit another Coup De Grace for the pinfall victory.  

Keith Lee def. Johnny Gargano to retain the North American Championship

The action started out slow but the pace quickened after Gargano went for a Tope Suicida only to be caught by Keith Lee. The two Superstars then fought around the ringside area and Johnny Wrestling tried to escape to the back, only to realise he locked the door when he made his entrance. The Limitless One only smiled and further brutalised Gargano.

One the action re-entered the ring, Gargano gained the upper hand as he snapped back Lee's left hand. Keith tried to counter by punching Johnny Wrestling but only screamed in pain, allowing the former NXT Champion to regain the advantage.

Gargano proceeded to work over his opponent's left hand and eye, stomping on his fingers and prying his index finger around the middle turnbuckle. Gargano dominated the champion for the next several minutes before Lee fought his way back into the matchup with some vicious power moves. 

Lee went for the Spirit Bomb but his finger prevented him from picking Gargano up, allowing the heel to hammer away at the champion. Lee then went for the Spirit Bomb again only for Gargano to counter into a modified Armbar. Lee fought free after 30 seconds and connected with a hellacious Clothesline. 

Lee went for the Spirit Bomb for the third time but Gargano again countered into a roll-up. The two then exchanged momentum before The Limitless One went for the Fireman's Carry Jackhammer and Johnny countered into another roll-up for a near fall.

The action spilled to the outside soon after as the former NXT Champion turned a Suicide Dive into a Tornado DDT. Gargano couldn't drag Lee into the ring and the referee almost counted both Superstars out, forcing Gargano to re-enter the ring to plead with the official.

This brief break allowed the North American Champion to recover and he landed a hellacious Shoulder Tackle on his opponent, sending him crashing through the Plexiglass. Lee then picked up his opponent and dragged him to the ring, only for Candice LeRae and Mia Yim to come to the ring. The two women then brawled around the squared circle, distracting the referee.

This provided the opening for Gargano, as he forced his car keys into Lee's eyes and connected with One Final Beat. The champion kicked out, however, and Gargano failed to put Lee away after two more Superkicks. 

Severely weakened, Lee overcame all of his trials and tribulations as he hit the Spirit Bomb at the fourth attempt, picked up the challenger and connected with the Big Bang Catastrophe for the 1-2-3.

Adam Cole def. The Velveteen Dream in a Backlot Brawl to retain the NXT Championship

Adam Cole arrived in style in a monster truck. The Velveteen Dream outdid him, however, as he rocked up in a Lamborghini with Lucille from The Walking Dead. 

Lucille was not put to good use as after some jawing, Dream tossed it to the outside and Cole entered the squared circle. Dream almost picked up the win, but it was quite hard to make out the action because of the car headlights. Dream then tried two more pinfall combinations, but Cole kicked out and declared he was leaving. Cole climbed into a car but was stopped by the challenger, who proceeded to smash up the vehicle with Lucille.  

Dream then beat the champion around the outside set but Cole escaped into a building and blasted his opponent with a Fire Extinguisher. It was then Cole's turn to beat his opponent around the backlot, but Dream fought his way back into a match and the two Superstars battled in and outside the ring. 

The babyface eventually found a ladder, placed Cole on a car bonnet and went for a Flying Elbow, only to be distracted while he climbed the ladder by The Undisputed ERA. This gave the champion the opportunity to climb the ladder, but Dream landed a vicious right hand, causing Cole to crash onto the Windscreen. 

While Cole received medical attention, Bobby Fish and Roderick Strong worked over Dream and placed him under a mountain of steel chairs before Dexter Lumis emerged from under the ring and beat down his rivals with a steel chair. Lumis then placed Fish and Strong in a car and drove away, leaving a wounded Adam Cole to fight on alone. 

The action finally entered the ring as Cole went for Panama Sunrise but Dream countered into the Dream Valley Driver. The NXT Champion kicked out at two and kicked out again after the challenger connected with Purple Rainmaker. Dream then taunted the champion.

This backfired massively as Cole hit him with a Low Blow and connected with Panama Sunrise onto the mountain of steel chairs for the win. 

Karrion Kross def. Tommaso Ciampa 

Tommaso Ciampa got in some initial offence but Karrion Kross quickly gained control after he tossed The Sicilian Psychopath into the ring apron. The Herald Of Doomsday then threw the former NXT Champion around the ring, akin to the way Brock Lesnar manhandled John Cena at SummerSlam 2014. 

Kross dominated his opponent some more until Ciampa landed a flurry of strikes and Willow's Bell for a near fall. Ciampa landed two running knees and went for Fairytale Ending, but Kross countered with an F10 and locked in The Kross Jacket for the submission victory.

Io Shirai def. Charlotte Flair and Rhea Ripley to win the NXT Women's Championship 

Tom Phillips provided an interesting stat as he revealed Charlotte Flair had been in 66 championship matches before tonight. That's a lot of title bouts. 

Charlotte Flair rolled out the ring and Rhea Ripley and Io Shirai decided not to pursue the NXT Women's Champion for some reason. Flair did quickly re-enter the ring and gained control over her opponents, landing numerous vicious chops to Ripley and Shirai.

The two challengers worked together to beat down The Queen before Flair dived out the way of Ripley's Rolling Senton to the outside. The champion then tossed Ripley into the plexiglass and ate a Hurricanrana from The Genius Of The Sky. Shirai's advantage didn't last long, however, as Flair also tossed Shirai into the plexiglass.

The action entered the ring again as Charlotte locked in a Boston Crab on Io until Ripley woke up and attacked the other competitors. Shirai took control soon after as she hit Flair with a 619 and a Double Foot Stomp, but Ripley intervened once again and she and Io knocked each other out with vicious punches. 

Shirai and Ripley eventually climbed to their feet and both ate a Spear from The Queen for their troubles. The challengers kicked out at two and Flair pulled them together and tried to land a Moonsault but Ripley and Shirai rolled out of the way. Ripley then tried to take advantage and hit Riptide on Shirai, but The Genius Of The Sky countered into a Hurricanrana and locked in a Crossface on Flair, but Ripley recovered from the earlier move and broke up the pin.

Shirai was tossed to the outside, and Ripley narrowly escaped Natural Selection, only for Shirai to land a Dropkick on the Australian out of nowhere. This forced Ripley to roll outside the ring, but The NXT Women's Champion took advantage and hit the Japanese star with Natural Selection.

Shirai kicked out at two, but Flair locked in the Figure Four Leglock for 15 seconds before Ripley woke up and pulled The Queen from the ring. With Flair and Ripley at ringside, Shirai hit Rhea with a Suicide Dive, but Flair took advantage and tossed Shirai through the In Your House stage.

Ripley then threw a plant pot at Flair and the two Superstars brawled around ringside. The two rivals eventually made their way to the In Your House door and were quickly taken out by The Joshi Judas who dived off the top of the house. 

The action re-entered the squared circle and Flair was briefly put out of commission as she tried to Spear Ripley but missed and hit the middle turnbuckle hard. Ripley and Shirai then brawled on the top turnbuckle and The Genius Of The Sky went for a Frankensteiner but Flair climbed into the ring and hit her with a vicious kick. This only opened the champion up for an Avalance Riptide from Ripley and she had the match won until Io broke up the pin.

The two challengers battled back and forth until Flair brought a Kendo Stick into the match, beat down her opponents, and connected with a Spear on Ripley. Flair then locked in the Figure-Eight on Ripley but Io hit Rhea with a Moonsault out of nowhere and covered the Australian for the victory.

With that, Io Shirai is your new NXT Women's Champion. 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons