Xavier Woods Wants To See A WWE Telltale Games Video Game

Woods wants a different approach to WWE games

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Aug 28, 2021

new day kofi kingston big e xavier woods

For over 30 years WWE video games have been pretty standard grappling based affairs - aside from a couple of notable exceptions - but New Day’s Xavier Woods would like to see WWE games approached from a different angle, and would like a Telltale Games style experience set in the WWE Universe.

Woods told the Ringer Wrestling Show:

"I love when they take wrestling characters and put them in different scenarios. I don't understand why we don't have a Final Fantasy-esque video game that has nothing to do with wrestling, but Samoa Joe is in it as one of the big bads and he's just being Samoa Joe, but he's in a fantasy and medieval world. I want to be able to use those ideas, thoughts, and personalities in different worlds. How do we not have our version of The Notebook? Let people branch out and create. Rising tides raise all ships.

"My dream for a WWE wrestling game is WWE Telltale games. You play out someone's story, just like you would in the 2K games; let's say it's Shelton Benjamin's story and you get to the match with Shawn Michaels and the superkick. You can either input the button combination correctly, he eats the superkick, gets knocked out, and life happens as it did. Or, we get the story from like, 'What would have happened had Shelton won that match?' So you put the (input) in wrong and now you have a fully, brand new, fresh 'What would have happened to Shelton Benjamin in that time?'"

H/T: Fightful


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