Cody Rhodes On The AEW All Out Fight: The Spirit Of All In Was Gone In That Moment

Cody Rhodes talks about AEW's infamous 'Brawl Out' incident.

Speaking to Ariel Helwani on The MMA Hour, WWE's Cody Rhodes spoke about a number of topics including the infamous All Out 2022 backstage altercation between CM Punk, Ace Steel, and The Elite. Cody explained:

"I had a great relationship with Matt, Nick and Kenny - still do. It definitely was tested by being young executives, it was tested by having different opinions on wrestling but our different opinions is what made it strong. That's what made us work. I want to do Crockett and old school and they want to do PWG and west coast and damn, I loved it. I liked that, that contention is what made us bond, we're bonded forever because of things we did.

"But I also had a great relationship with Punk. He was my dinner buddy. [...] I'm not putting any blame on anybody. Sorry, I'm super, super Switzerland on this one. I'm not putting any blame on anybody but I just hated seeing that because as the company grows, and I hope it continues to grow, I hope people remember the mission in the first place, why we were there, and if you bring in people who don't know the mission then things like that can happen. I'm not saying he didn't know the mission or anything of that nature but I was just bummed out - that's how I felt, I was bummed out."

Cody went on to say:

"That was a situation that was so big and heavy, I don't think it was helpful. Maybe you can make it helpful, maybe you can do something with it but that's just how I felt. No heat on Punk, no heat on Matt, Nick, Kenny or Tony. I was just bummed out when I saw. That's not how we envisioned it. 

"The spirit of All In - if you ever lose the spirit, you're lost - and I think the spirit was gone in that moment. Doesn't mean you can't get it back, but it was just a bummer."

H/T to F4W Online

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