
Have The Viking Raiders Had Their WWE Name Changed Again?

WWE Raw debut went down like a led balloon...

One of, if not the main talking point coming out of last week's WWE Superstar Shake-Up on Raw and SmackDown Live was the new name given to reigning NXT Tag Team Champions, War Raiders.

Hanson and Rowe, as I'm sure you are aware by now, were repackaged as Ivar and Erik - The Viking Experience.

However, during this week's Raw, TVE emerged from the ramp and were introduced as The Viking Raiders - although, WWE didn't scrap the name completely as it now appears to be the name of the duo's tandem pop-up powerslam manoeuvre.

Now this could be something as simple as a typo from somebody who works for WWE's Fan Council so we're not jumping to any conclusions here, but in a questionnaire that asked which of the main Superstar Shake-Ups fans were most excited about seeing in action, The Viking WARRIORS were listed.



At the time of writing, Ivar and Erik are still listed as The Viking Raiders on WWE.com so we'll have to wait and see what next week's Raw brings.

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Ross Tweddell

Written by Ross Tweddell

Written and video journalist for Cultaholic Wrestling | twitter: @rossonrasslin | instagram: @rossonrasslin