
John Laurinaitis Files Sworn Statement In Janel Grant Lawsuit

John Laurinaitis enters sworn statement in lawsuit against himself, Vince McMahon and WWE

John Laurinaitis filed a "sworn statement of facts" on June 8 requesting that the lawsuit filed by Janel Grant against himself, Vince McMahon, and WWE be moved to arbitration. 

The filing by Laurinaitis states: 

  • "At all times material to the allegations set forth in the Complaint, I was an employee of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.
  • "As a full-time employee of WWE, it is my understanding that I was listed as a released party from any and all lawsuits or causes of action by Plaintiff Grant. 
  • "Pursuant to the terms of the Confidential Settlement Agreement, General Release, and Covenant Not to Sue (Dkt. 30-2) it is my understanding that the sole and exclusive legal method to resolve any disputes related to the Confidential Settlement Agreement would be in binding arbitration under the Federal Arbitration Act."

Janel Grant has paused her lawsuit against Vince McMahon, WWE, and John Laurinaitis following a request from the United States Department of Justice. The federal government continues to carry out its own criminal investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct and sex trafficking against Vince McMahon dating back to 1986. 

Janel Grant filed a lawsuit against Vince McMahon, WWE, and John Laurinaitis in January 2024. Grant accused McMahon of sex trafficking, sexual assault, and physical and emotional abuse, while WWE have been accused of attempting to sweep the allegations against the former WWE CEO "under the rug." John Laurinaitis is accused of sexual assault. 

Grant also stated in the lawsuit that the nondisclosure agreement she signed was unenforceable, listing the Speak Out Act and the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000.

All three defendants filed motions to compel arbitration before the lawsuit was paused. John Laurinaitis previously claimed to be a victim of Vince McMahon's but he later performed a U-turn and sided with McMahon's motion. 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons