
Kurt Angle Unsure How MJF Will Hold Up In AEW Revolution Iron Man Match

Kurt Angle is curious about MJF performing at AEW Revolution in an Iron Man Match

With AEW Revolution on the horizon, MJF could possibly be set to face the sternest test of his career, with the AEW World Champion set to put the title on the line against Bryan Danielson in a 60-minute Iron Man Match, should Danielson remain undefeated until February 8.

Going 60-minutes is certainly a monumental task for any wrestler, never mind going up against Danielson, and Kurt Angle isn't sure how MJF will fare, saying the following on the Kurt Angle Show podcast:

"Wow, that's gonna be good," said Angle. "I don't know how MJF is gonna hold up, but I know Daniel Bryan [sic] will do pretty well.”

Angle is an authority on the subject, having wrestled four Iron Man matches in his career, with three during his initial WWE run, and one during his time in TNA. 

If Danielson manages to stay undefeated and gets his match with MJF then their match at Revolution will be the second Iron Man Match in AEW history, and the first since Kenny Omega defeated PAC in February 2020.

H/T: Fightful

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.