
Mansoor Discusses 'Life-Changing' Match With Cesaro At WWE Crown Jewel 2019

"That was a real magical moment for me. I really hope I can do it again with Cesaro down the line."

Mansoor has described his singles win over Cesaro at WWE Crown Jewel in 2019 as 'a life-changing match'. 

Mansoor defeated Cesaro in his home-town of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in October 2019 in a match that really first showed the WWE Universe what he was capable of. 

The 25-year-old has since debuted on the WWE main roster, recently signing with the Raw roster, but Mansoor says the opportunity to work with Cesaro was one that will live with him forever.

Mansoor told WWE's The Bump: "That was a completely, you know, not just a career-changing match for me, but a life-changing match for me. I can’t emphasize enough how much this match changed my life.

"I mean, this was the match that I think proved to everybody that, ok, this kid is not just here to be rolled out every couple times a year. This is a kid who has potential. This is a kid who can bring it, and this is a kid who was able to match that level of one of the best wrestlers in the world.

"It doesn’t surprise me at all that he’s being so successful right now. Cesaro is a guy who, let’s be honest, 99 days out of a 100, Cesaro beats me. But that one night, I had his number. That was a real magical moment for me. I really hope I can do it again with Cesaro down the line."

H/T Wrestle Inc

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