Moose: I Didn't Take Shots At WWE Or AEW, I Put Them Over

Moose cut a deep promo after winning the IMPACT Title

Moose has provided insight into his meticulous promo on the first IMPACT Wrestling following his World Title win. 

Moose referenced various WWE and AEW talent during his first time on the mic as IMPACT World Champion before claiming he is better than all of them. 

While some people saw Moose's promo as talking down about the competition, the man himself sees differently, saying he talked them all up but just put himself over more.

Speaking on Juice Pro Wrestling, Moose said: "They told me I would have three minutes to cut a promo and to think about what I wanted to say and that it was good because it was my first time talking as champion. I could have cut the typical bullshit promo about being a fighting champion. Everything I thought about saying, I was just saying stuff that champions before me had said. What could I say that would make a statement?

"In today's era of wrestling, social media is where it's at because social media runs the world. In my mind, I had to cut a promo that was going to have the internet buzzing and it was going to be controversial without being controversial or saying anything bad about anybody. I grabbed my paper and sat for 20 minutes and it was kind of like writing a rap song. As I was done I was like, 'Holy shit, this could be really fucking good.' Before I thought about saying it, I wanted to make sure I had the clearance to say it. I gotta get a paycheck. I told the writers and they f**king loved it.

"If you hear the promo, everyone was like I shot at WWE or AEW. I never took a shot at anybody. I never said one bad thing about anybody. If anything, I put them all over. I just said I'm better than all of them.

"I hate to put this guy over, but Don Callis used to work with me on my promos and he would tell me, 'one thing you don't want to do is put anybody down in your promos. Put them over and then when you put yourself over, you seem greater than all of them.' I used that in my mind as a reference when I was writing this promo. I put them all over because they are all legendary and I think they're the best in this business, I just think I'm the greatest of all time.

"At the end of the day, I put myself and IMPACT over as a whole. A lot of people I mentioned, I'm good friends with or associates with. I think they are all great. I just put myself up there with them. When I wrote the promo, I didn't think it was going to get the clout and praise and mentions that it got."

The promo can be viewed below: 

H/T Fightful

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Mitch Waddon

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