
Randy Orton Not Targeting Move From WWE To Hollywood

"I think I’m happy with my place in the WWE right now."

Randy Orton has ruled out the possibility of him departing WWE for a career in Hollywood. 

Orton, who has been on the WWE roster for over 20 years, and has appeared in a number of movies over the years including 2013's 12 Rounds 2: Reloaded and 2015's The Condemned.

The 14-time WWE And World Heavyweight champion has said he enjoys making movies but can't see himself making the move to an acting career full-time, preferring to remain with WWE for as long as possible. 

Speaking on The Kurt Angle Show, Orton said: "A lot of guys, I see them branching off and doing other things or making sure they have something lined up for when they can’t wrestle anymore. I don’t know if this is showing my cards or not, but I kind of see myself being with WWE for life. I don’t know why I would go anywhere else. 

"Who knows what the future holds, but although I love movies and auditions – I don’t think acting is my passion. I’m not trying to move to Hollywood or New York and be a full-time actor. The way Batista and Cena did it is they used WWE as a jumping board to go into Hollywood and all that stuff. But I think I’m happy with my place in the WWE right now.

"I don’t see why I would change that. I only see all of those different variables getting better over the coming years. So, at 41, if I’m on a contract where I’m able to wrestle a handful of years in my late 40s and possibly even as a 50-year-old man, I would love to do it."

H/T Metro

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com