
Supreme Court Declines To Hear Brain Damage Appeals Against WWE

The lawsuits were originally filed in 2015, and first rejected in 2018

The Supreme Court has declined to hear the appeals of numerous former professional wrestlers who had claimed in lawsuits that WWE failed to protect them from repeated head injuries, which led to long-term brain damage. 

The plaintiffs, who include William 'Billy Jack' Haynes, Russ 'Big Russ' McCullough, Ryan Sakoda, Matthew 'Luther Reigns' Wiese and the wife of the late Nelson 'Viscera' Frazier, had asked the high court to review the rulings from lower courts which dismissed the lawsuits because they had been filed too late.

However, the Press Association (per ESPN) is reporting that the Supreme Court determined on Monday to not hear those appeals. 

The ruling puts an end to the final remaining lawsuits in an array of litigation originally filed six years ago against the WWE over concussions and other injuries. Over 50 former professional wrestlers had initially been involved in the suits.

Jerry McDevitt, a lawyer for the WWE, said. "We're glad it's finally over. We were completely vindicated.''

The wrestlers' lawyer, Konstantine Kyros, said in statement that the WWE exploited them and denied them access to health care and workers' compensation.

"The wrestlers are dying of CTE despite the inaction of the justice system,'' said Kyros. "Our team is proud to have brought their claims to our highest court and hopeful that this brings awareness to their ongoing struggles.''

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com