
Bronson Reed Wants To Face Pete Dunne And Tommaso Ciampa In WWE NXT

We'd love to see both these matches!

New North American champion Bronson Reed has named Pete Dunne and Tommaso Ciampa as two individuals he would like to face in WWE NXT. 

Reed won his first Title in WWE last Tuesday in a Steel Cage Match against Johnny Gargano, claiming the North American Championship 14 years to the day since he wrestled his very first match.

The 32-year-old is now looking for challengers to his belt and would be open to defending the Championship against former champ Gargano, as well as his old DIY teammate Ciampa and former NXT United Kingdom champion Dunne.

Speaking to PWInsider, he said: "Well, there’s a few people I’d really like to face. Two names that come to mind, Pete Dunne, I’ve never wrestled a singles match with Pete Dunne, and Tommaso Ciampa. I’ve never shared the ring with Ciampa either.

"So they’re two people that I think I’d like to share the ring with. Whether that happens, I don’t know. I know Johnny wants a rematch and I’ve had some pretty good matches with Johnny, so I’d be happy to do that as well."

Reed has also expressed a desire to wrestle Brock Lesnar in WWE in the future.

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com